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GMO Workshop on allergenicity assessment

Virtual Event via MS Teams
15 June 2021 from 13:30 to 18:00
16 June 2021 from 14:00 to 18:00

The timing always refers to the Central European Time (i.e. Greenwich Time + 1).


The EFSA GMO Panel published a guidance document on allergenicity assessment of GM plants in 2017[1]. The topics addressed were IgE- and non-IgE-mediated adverse immune reactions to foods and risk assessment. For example, the role of in vitro protein digestibility tests was discussed and a follow-up EFSA external report has been published[2]. EFSA is discussing the usefulness of such in vitro tests as well as the current general allergenicity assessment approach, and what additional research and regulatory future developments are needed to fill in the gaps in the risk assessment of proteins derived from biotechnology and novel food sources.

Objectives of the meeting

The aim of the workshop is to set the scene on the current state-of-the-art in the science of allergenicity assessment and to define what specific elements of such assessment need to be developed to move forward a field still in its infancy. The formulation of specific research requirements for allergenicity assessment and protein safety in general is urgently needed in a world that demands more sustainable food systems (EC Food2030[3]; EFSA[4]). To meet this need, collaboration and engagement with stakeholders, academia and the scientific international community at large will be strongly pursued.

Structure of the meeting

Introductory speeches will open the floor for exchanges on allergenicity assessment and future developments. The meeting will take place in a single plenary session.

At the end of the meeting, conclusions will summarise the main discussion points. EFSA will draft a short report collecting and summarising the discussions which will be published together with the presentations.

Who should attend?

The meeting is intended for all interested stakeholders with expertise in the area of allergenicity and protein safety assessment. A maximum of 80 participants can be accommodated, including speakers and other experts already identified by EFSA. A further selection will ensure a sufficient representation of the various fields of expertise, as well as representation of stakeholder groups and geographical balance.

On-line registrations

The registration form can be found at:

Please note that registration may close once the maximum number of participants is reached or, at the latest, by 21/05/2021 (extended deadline).

After closure of registration, potential participants will be informed whether they have been selected for participation.

Logistic information

The workshop will be fully virtual via Ms Teams. English will be the language of the event.


Do not hesitate to contact the organising committee at events [at] (events[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu) for more information.