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2nd meeting of the Management Board

The Management Board nominated Geoffrey Podger as candidate for the position of EFSA's Executive Director. The nomination is to be confirmed by the European Parliament.


  1. Opening of the meeting

    Stuart Slorach opened the meeting by welcoming all EFSA Management Board  members
    • All discussions need to be treated as confidential; the meeting is closed and hence, not on the web
  2. Distribution of documents
    • Adopted version of Rules of Procedure is available in EN FR DE
    • Adopted version of Management Plan 2002 is available in EN FR
    • Adopted version of Financial Regulation is available in EN
    • All adopted documents to be placed on the web as soon as possible
    • The draft minutes of the Management Board meeting of 18 and 19 September 2002 were circulated for comments
    • The document on "who does what in EFSA" with a short description of the various activities and appropriate contact details, was tabled
    • The criteria used for establishing the Commission’s short list of candidates for the Executive Director post, was distributed to the members prior to the meeting
    • A list with draft questions for interviews with candidate Executive Director was tabled
    • A draft Aide Mémoire for notes during the interviews was tabled
  3. AOB

    The following items were put on the agenda, but not discussed due to time constraints.
    Rthy will be transferred to the agenda of 17 October 2002.
    • Question whether or not EFSA Secretariat is to send a letter to the Member States in order to nominate a representative for the Advisory Forum
    • Possibilities for longer-term contracts for EFSA staff
    • Discussion on reimbursement of expenses for Board members
    • Agenda for next meeting
    • Secretariat to suggest dates for Board 2003 and to get agreement by Board
  4. Coreography of interviews

    It was concluded that the interviews would take place as follows:
    • Introduction of candidates during presentation (15 minutes)
    • Questions on the presentation (10 minutes)
    • Number of standard questions by Chair and Vice-Chairs (25 minutes)
    • Specific questions by all Board members (10 minutes)
    • A list of draft questions was agreed upon
  5. Declaration of interest

    Stuart Slorach, Deirdre Hutton and Patrick Wall made a declaration of interest for Geoffrey Podger.
    Stuart Slorach, Peter Gaemelke and Patrick Wall made a declaration of interest for
    Jorgen Schlundt.
  6. Criteria used for establishing the Commission’s short list

    Robert Coleman explained the procedure that the Commission had used to arrive at a
    shortlist following the call for expression of interests.
  7. Interviews, Discussion and vote

    Following a discussion around the table, the Board nominated Geoffrey Podger as
    candidate for the position of EFSA's Executive Director who shall be invited to make
    a statement before the European Parliament in the course of October 2002, prior to
    being appointed.
  8. Closing of the meeting

    Stuart Slorach closed the Board meeting outlining the confidentiality of the day’s proceedings.

    Draft Minutes MB 1/10/2002 – adopted

    All members of the Management Board were present
    Angeliki Assimakopoulou
    Matthias Horst
    Deirdre Hutton
    Giorgio Calabrese
    João Pedro Machado
    Pirkko Raunemaa
    Patrick Wall
    Robert Coleman
    Catherine Geslain-Laneelle
    Peter Gaemelke
    Ernst Bobek
    Roland Vaxelaire
    Bart Sangster
    Stuart Slorach
    Carlos Escribano Mora