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Ad-hoc meeting with Stakeholders Renewal of chemically defined feed flavourings


On 23 January 2024, EFSA met with delegates from the stakeholder organisations – FEFANA asbl and taro services GmbH – in the context of an ad hoc meeting on the renewal of chemically defined feed flavourings according to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003. 
The meeting, organised in line with the EFSA’s catalogue on initiative for regulated products,  was aimed to facilitate an exchange of views on the challenges and the proposed solutions identified in project developed by stakeholders for the renewal of chemically defined feed flavourings.

List of participating organisations

FEFANA asbl – Brussels Belgium
taro Services GmbH (consultant) – Zürich Switzerland
EFSA Staff – FEEDCO Unit
European Commission – DG SANTE