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Dietary reference values: advice on riboflavin

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EFSA has set dietary reference values for riboflavin (vitamin B2) as part of its review of scientific advice on nutrient intakes.

Based on new scientific findings, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) decided to update the dietary reference values for riboflavin established by the Scientific Committee for Food in 1993. The panel defined daily population reference intakes (PRIs) for riboflavin as follows:

  • 0.6 mg for children aged 1-3 years;
  • 0.7 mg for children aged 4-6;
  • 1.0 mg for children aged 7-10;
  • 1.4 mg for children aged 11-14;
  • 1.6 mg for adolescents aged 15-17 as well as for adults;
  • 1.9 mg for pregnant women;
  • 2 mg for lactating women.

For children aged 7-11 months, the panel set an adequate intake ( AI Odpowiednia wartość spożycia (AI) to zalecenie dietetyczne stosowane w przypadku istnienia zbyt małej ilości danych, by wyliczyć średnie zapotrzebowanie. AI to średnie stężenie składnika pokarmowego spożywanego każdego dnia w typowej, zdrowej populacji, co do którego zakłada się, że odpowiada potrzebom danej populacji.) of 0.4 mg per day.

Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in energy metabolism and the functioning of various enzymes. It is naturally present in many foods of plant or animal origin including milk, milk products, eggs and offal.

EFSA considered comments and input on the draft scientific opinion it received during a five-week public consultation.

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