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Data generated by camera trapping in at least 15 areas in Europe including East and South Europe: Report of the field activities ‐ first semester 2021

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The activities related to the generation of reliable wild boar density values in at least 15 areas in Europe by camera trapping, mainly in East Europe are presented. The ENETWILD consortium has offered training to collaborators in order to generate harmonized wild boar abundance data (following standards) and has enhanced the network of wildlife professionals in Europe. As a next step, ENETWILD has engaged and enhanced this network, and a number of participants are currently developing field operations to estimate wild boar density in certain areas from their respective countries or confirmed that will do during summer 2021. A protocol for field camera trap (CT) provided by ENETWILD is being applied. By now, 12 field studies are ongoing in 10 countries and in most of them data has been already collected. In addition, there are 3 countries (Albania, North Macedonia and Turkey) in which, due to logistic problems during transport of the CTs at customs, the field work will be developed during 2021. In April 2021, ENETWILD is offering a second online training course to participants, so they will be trained specifically in data analysis. This strategy aims promoting a network of professionals/researchers capable of designing, developing field work and analysing data on their own, contributing also to disseminate the experience and train other colleagues in their respective countries. Most participants, who were already estimating wild boar densities during the season 2019/2020, will also apply the same methodology in different areas during 2021 in their respective countries. Therefore, the number of wild boar density values finally obtained through this experience by the end of 2021 will exceed 15 different locations in a total of 12 countries.