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EFSA grants: why, what, HOW

EFSA grants: why, what, HOW

EFSA may award grants to organisations which are designated by their Member State to assist EFSA with its mission and which are included on the Article 36 list of Competent Organisations. The list of eligible organisations to whom EFSA grants may be awarded is updated regularly and details of how new organisations can be included on the list is available at this link.

What tasks are eligible?

Only tasks defined in Article 4 Regulation (EC) No 2230/2004 and Article 1 point 5e of Regulation (EU) 2019/1381 can be entrusted to organisations via a grant agreement to assist EFSA with its mission.

Risk assessment support

  • Data delivery - collection/production
  • Support in RA methodologies update/creation
  • Preparatory work leading to drafting EFSA Scientific Opinion


Capacity building

  • Dissemination of best practices
  • Information exchange
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Create new scientific knowledge


Methods of funding

A higher rate of funding (co-financing) is given for tasks directly supporting risk assessment compared to a lower rate of funding for projects ideated by the beneficiary. Co-financing may be provided up to a maximum of 99% of the total eligible costs. Alternatively, grants using “Financing not linked to costs” may cover all project costs and may even result in a profit to the beneficiary. Sorted below by ease of processing.

Financing not linked to costsUnit costsLump sumFlat rateCombination of other formsReimbursement of actually incurred costs


How is the grant awarded?

Open call for proposals

Open to all article 36 organisations which meet the requirements in the call for proposals.

No call for proposals

  • Exceptional and duly substantiated emergencies;
  • Organisation with a de jure or de facto monopoly;
  • For activities with specific characteristics requiring a particular type of organisation due to its technical competence, high degree of specialisation or administrative powers.

Type of grant agreement

Framework partnership agreement

Exact deliverables and timing NOT known.

  • Single: One FPA signed with one beneficiary (individual organisation or consortium).
  • Cascade: FPA’s signed in order of ranking with different beneficiaries.

Specific agreements

Exact deliverables and timing known.

Direct agreement

Exact deliverables and timing known.

Who owns grant deliverables?

When EFSA is owner of deliverables produced under the grant, EFSA can make use of those deliverables without consulting the beneficiary.

When the beneficiary is owner of deliverables produced under the grant, they must request permission from EFSA prior to publishing or communicating information about the project.

For more details about rules related to EFSA grants, consult Title VIII EU Financial Regulation 2018 and this page. EFSA also awards contracts for services through public procurement procedures. For more details about rules related to EFSA procurement, consult Title VII EU Financial Regulation 2018 and EFSA's procurement page.

EFSA is the keystone of EU risk assessment regarding food and feed safety. In close collaboration with national authorities in open consultation with its stakeholders, EFSA provides independent scientific advice and clear communication on existing and emerging risks.