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Info session on applications – pesticides - technical meeting with stakeholders on EFSA Guidance on dermal absorption

EFSA met with stakeholders to present the guidance on dermal absorption developed by the EFSA working group on dermal absorption. The meeting on 27 and 28 September 2017 was aimed at answering questions and collecting feedback on this guidance document.

About 50 participants, including applicants, representatives of industry associations, consultants, academics, representatives of national competent authorities from Europe, academics and the European Commission met with experts of the EFSA working group and EFSA scientific officers.

There was an exchange of views with stakeholders in particular on the changes to the guidance document issued in 2012 that was revised on the basis of the newly available data on human in vitro dermal absorption for Plant Protection Products.

Participants discussed the new data and statistical analysis, the setting of new default values to be used in absence of experimental data, the clarified rules for parameter calculations as well as when expert judgment is needed, the new approach for accounting variability and the criteria for using data of reference formulations.

Attendants participated actively in the discussions and considered the meeting as an important opportunity to enhance constructive dialogue and increase engagement with EFSA.

The agenda, list of participants, and presentations given at the technical meeting are available below.