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Statement on the modification of the existing MRL for spinosad in raspberries

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In accordance with Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, France has granted an authorisation for spinosad on raspberries. In order to accommodate for the emergency use of spinosad France proposed to raise the existing MRL for raspberries from 0.3 mg/kg to 1.5 mg/kg. In accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, France submitted to the European Commission an evaluation report summarising the background information. France also performed a consumer risk assessment demonstrating that the proposed temporary MRL is safe. On 25 May 2012 the evaluation report was forwarded to EFSA. Based on the available information and the use pattern, EFSA derives the MRL value of 0.9 mg/kg and concludes that the emergency indoor use of spinosad on raspberries granted in France is not likely to result in a consumer exposure exceeding the toxicological reference value and therefore is not expected to pose a public health concern.