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OpenFoodTox: chemical hazards database

OpenFoodTox: chemical hazards database

  • an open-source database of toxicological information
  • a "one-click" tool for risk assessors, risk managers and stakeholders

OpenFoodTox provides chemical hazards data:

Substances - 5,712 chemical substances in the food/feed chain

Food ingredientsPesticidesFeedContaminantsFood contact materials

 Assessments - 2,435 scientific outputs published since 2002

Food ingredientsPesticidesFeedContaminantsFood contact materials

16,611 database records for 969 substances collected from 605 EFSA outputs

7,699 database records for 852 substances collected from 577 EFSA outputs

Use OpenFoodTox for:

  • Information on chemical characterisation, regulations, EFSA outputs, toxicity, reference points (NOAEL, BMD, LD50, etc.) and reference values (ADI, TDI, PNEC, etc.)*, uncertainty factors, EFSA scientific outputs
  • Developing future methods and tools as alternatives to animal testing

*reference points: No observed adverse effect level (NOAEL), benchmark dose (BMDL) limits, lethal doses/concentrations (LD50), etc. reference values: health-based guidance values such as acceptable/ tolerable daily intake (ADI/TDI), and environmental standards like predicted no effect concentration (PNEC)

Looking up toxic effects and safe levels

  • From over 11,698 toxicity studies
  • Reference points
  • Reference values
HumanAnimals: Non TargetAnimals: TargetEnvironment: WaterEnvironment: Soil

Visit EFSA’s Scientific Data Warehouse.