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Dietary reference values: advice on vitamin B6

EFSA has set dietary reference values for vitamin Ett ämne i kosten som behövs i mycket små mängder för en normal tillväxt och bevarad hälsa hos människor och djur. De flesta vitaminer är”essentiella” (livsnödvändiga) eftersom de inte framställs i kroppen. B6 as part of its review of scientific advice on nutrient intakes.

The Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition Vetenskapen om sambandet mellan kosten och kroppens behov av näring. and Allergies (NDA) set daily population Grupp av människor, djur eller växter av samma art. reference intakes (PRIs) of vitamin B6 as follows:

  • 0.3 mg for infants aged 7-11 months;
  • 0.6 to 1.4 mg for children aged 1-14;
  • 1.7 mg for men and boys aged 15-17, and 1.6 mg for women and girls aged 15-17;
  • 1.8 mg for pregnant women and 1.7 mg for lactating women.

The Panel derived the PRIs for vitamin B6 using new data establishing the average requirement ( AR Genomsnittsbehov (average requirement) är den mängd av ett näringsämne i kosten som tillgodoser de dagliga behoven hos hälften av individerna i en typisk frisk population.) of vitamin B6 for women. The Panel used these data to extrapolate ARs for men, children, infants, as well as for pregnant and lactating women, and calculated PRIs for all age groups. The Panel recommends that studies be conducted on vitamin B6 requirements for these population groups.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in the human body. It contributes to the body’s energy metabolism Den totala summan fysikaliska och kemiska processer som sker i levande organismer., the normal functioning of the nervous system, red blood cell formation and the regulation of hormonal activity. Foods that contain vitamin B6 include fish, poultry, liver, potatoes and non-citrus fruit. 

EFSA received comments and input on the draft opinion during a six-week public consultation.

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