Risk assessment of complex organoarsenic species in food
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Note: A plain language summary of this scientific opinion is available at https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/j.efsa.2024.p221201
The European Commission asked EFSA for a risk assessment on complex organoarsenic species in food. They are typically found in marine foods and comprise mainly arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenosugars and arsenolipids. For AsB, no reference point (RP) could be derived because of insufficient toxicity data. AsB did not show adverse effects in the two available repeat dose toxicity tests in rodents. It has not shown genotoxicity in in vitro assays. There is no indication of an association with adverse outcomes in human studies. The highest 95th percentile exposure for AsB was observed in ‘Toddlers’ with an estimate of 12.5 μg As/kg bw per day (AsB expressed as elemental arsenic). There is sufficient evidence to conclude that AsB at current dietary exposure levels does not raise a health concern. For glycerol arsenosugar (AsSugOH) a RP of 0.85 mg As/kg bw per day was derived based on the BMDL10 values for cognitive and motor function in mice. A margin of exposure (MOE) of ≥ 1000 would not raise a health concern. The highest 95th percentile estimate of exposure for AsSugOH (for adult consumers of red seaweed Nori/Laver) was 0.71 μg As/kg bw per day (AsSugOH expressed as elemental arsenic), which results in an MOE > 1000, not raising a health concern. Based on qualitative consideration of all identified uncertainties, it is regarded likely that the dietary exposures to AsB and AsSugOH do not raise a health concern. No conclusions could be drawn regarding other arsenosugars. No risk characterisation could be conducted for arsenolipids, due to the lack of data.