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Outcome of the public consultation on the draft guidance on the agronomic
and phenotypic characterisation of genetically modified plants

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A public consultation on the draft guidance on the agronomic and phenotypic characterisation of geneticallymodified plants, endorsed by the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food SafetyAuthority, was launched on 25 September 2014 and continued until 6 November 2014. The European FoodSafety Authority received 263 comments on the draft guidance from 23 interested parties. On 18–19 December 2014, the European Food Safety Authority held a specific workshop during which receivedcomments were discussed and clarified with stakeholders, so as to have an open dialogue on the areas ofdivergence and to exchange relevant scientific information in an interactive manner. Through its dedicatedworking group on the agronomic and phenotypic characterisation of genetically modified plants, the Panel onGenetically Modified Organisms scrutinised and assessed all received comments and provided clarifications,falling within the remit of the European Food Safety Authority. When appropriate and necessary, the draftguidance was revised to take into account relevant comments. This technical report summarises the mostrelevant comments received through the public consultation, and outlines how those were taken into account inthe final document.