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Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of Biosprint® (Saccharomyces cerevisisae) for piglets

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Wiley Online Library

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The additive Biosprint® is a microbiological feed additive containing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Company has applied for the re-evaluation of the authorisation of the product when used as a zootechnical additive (functional group: gut flora stabilisers) in diets for weaned piglets at the inclusion rate of 3.0 x 109 CFU/kg feedingstuffs. As the assessment of the safety of Biosprint® was made in 2010, the FEEDAP Panel did not consider a re-assessment of the safety of Biosprint® necessary. The applicant provided five efficacy trials in which weight gain was increased and the feed conversion ratio was improved by the addition of Biosprint® at the proposed dose.. Consequently, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that Biosprint® has the potential to be efficacious in weaned piglets at the dose of 3.0 x 109 CFU/kg complete feedingstuffs. However, it is noted that all studies were conducted in a single Member State and three of the studies represent a specific production system.