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Consultation workshop on the report of the meetings on aspartame with national experts - Cancelled

This workshop has been cancelled due to the continuing disruption and uncertainty associated with air travel across Europe.

Stakeholders who wished to make a contribution at the meeting can make a written submission which will be included with other comments received on the report. These will be reported to the Advisory Forum in time for the meeting in May together with the national experts’ report. Written comments can be submitted until 12.00 noon on Monday 26 April.

On 23rd April, national experts nominated by EFSA’s Advisory Forum members will present their report on the review of aspartame to stakeholders. The meeting is open to all interested parties (subject to space). The report, together with feedback from this consultation, will then be presented to the Advisory Forum meeting in Cyprus in May 2010.

The report follows a comprehensive literature review and a series of meetings during 2008 and 2009 of the organising team and national experts. It reviews all the information available in key areas such as brain function, carcinogenicity and genotoxicity. It also takes account of efforts to analyse any possible significance of anecdotal case data that has been collated in relation to adverse effects of aspartame. In conclusion, the national experts have not identified any new evidence to recommend to EFSA that the previous Opinions of EFSA and the SCF need to be reconsidered.

Venue and Registration

The Workshop will take place on Friday, 23 April 2010 from 10:00 to 15:00 at the Sheraton Congress Hotel Frankfurt (Lyoner Straße 44-48 60528 Frankfurt/Niederrad, Germany).

Participants are requested to register for the meeting by sending the registration form to aspartame.workshop [at] efsa.europa.eu (aspartame[dot]workshop[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu) by 8 April 2010 at the latest.

Please note that those who are not able to attend the workshop but would like to make comment on the report should complete the registration form indicating that a written submission is to be made. Written submissions will be accepted up until 12.00, Thursday 22 April, 2010.

Any comments or requests can be addressed at: aspartame.workshop [at] efsa.europa.eu (aspartame[dot]workshop[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu)