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Identification of Emerging Risks in Food - Different Approaches to Achieve a Common Goal

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EFSA session at the 2017 IAFP 's European symposium


Strengthening EFSA’s preparedness to anticipate and respond effectively to food safety risks in cooperation with EU and international partners is part of EFSA Strategic Objectives. Among other actions, EFSA is expected to enhance its processes and tools related to emerging risks identification.

Since 2005, IAFP's European symposium has been shaping the future of food safety by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas with colleagues from across Europe working in industry, government and academia. The Symposium is an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge about the latest developments and techniques in food science and safety.

The session organised by EFSA at the IAFP's European symposium will provide an overview of some of the current approaches to identification of emerging risks being developed and applied by International and European institutions, including EFSA, as well as by industry and academic researchers.

Objectives of the meeting

With the help of three presentations and follow up by a round table, the final objective of the symposium will be to share different methodologies and tools on emerging risk identification in food among the participants. The meeting will address the strengths and weaknesses of such approaches, the importance of scientific collaboration and the challenges in identification of emerging issues.

Structure of the meeting

Three presentations will be followed by a panel discussion

  • Presentation 1 | 13:30 Application of Food Safety Early Warning Systems: Industry Perspective
    John O'Brien, Nestle Research 
  • Presentation 2 | 13:50 Networks of Knowledge- Sharing of Information and Expertise
    Ana Afonso, European Food Safety Authority 
  • Presentation 3 | 14:10 Testing New Methodologies for Identification of Emerging Chemical Risks in Food
    Jan Oltmanns , Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH (FoBiG)
  • Panel Discussion | 14:30

The outcome of the presentations will be discussed in a final plenary session to formulate the conclusions of the meeting. EFSA will issue a short report collecting and summarising the discussion following the meeting, which will be published on the EFSA website dedicated event page together with the presentations shared.

Who should attend?

The session is intended for all interested EFSA stakeholders with expertise in the area of Emerging Risks Identification.

Logistic information

The EFSA session on Identification of Emerging Risks in Food is one of the different symposia organised with the occasion of the 2017 IAFP's European Symposium.

Therefore, in order to attend this session, please register to attend the complete IAFP’s European Symposium at http://www.foodprotection.org/europeansymposium/

The EFSA session will be held at Arc (The Square) in Brussels, Belgium on Thursday, 30 March 2017 from 13:30 to 15.00.