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Statement concerning the review of the approval of the active substance pirimicarb

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On 26 August 2022, the European Commission asked EFSA to provide scientific and technical assistance according to Article 21(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 concerning the review of the approval of the active substance pirimicarb and to deliver a statement on whether the applicable approval criteria may still be considered fulfilled, taking into consideration the information submitted by the applicant and the assessment of the rapporteur Member State, Sweden and, where applicable, the results of a discussion with experts from Member States. The current statement contains a summary of the main findings of the assessment of the risks to consumers from the exposure to metabolites of pirimicarb through dietary intake, the risks to human health through non‐dietary exposure and the acute risk to birds from the representative uses of pirimicarb assessed for the first approval and additionally, from the representative uses as submitted as part of the renewal of approval. Concerns are reported where identified.