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Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for metaflumizone in various commodities

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In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Italy, herewith referred to as the evaluating Member State (EMS), received an application from BASF Italia Srl. to modify the existing MRLs for metaflumizone in various crops. In order to accommodate for the intended uses of metaflumizone in Europe, Italy proposed to raise the existing MRLs for all the crops under consideration, except for pepper, head cabbage, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, scarole, melon and watermelon as well as to raise MRLs for several animal commodities. According to EFSA, the data are sufficient to derive MRL proposals for all crops under consideration, except for melons, watermelons, herbs and salad plants (except lettuce). For peppers, Brussels sprouts and head cabbage no need to modify the existing MRL was identified.. The new intended use on cotton seed will not affect the existing livestock dietary burden and thus the potential carry-over of metaflumizone residues into food of animal origin was not further investigated. According to risk assessment results, acute consumer intake concerns cannot be excluded for residues in scarole and lettuce from indoor use and in broccoli from SEU use. The less critical NEU use on broccoli and lettuce and intended uses of metaflumizone on other crops under consideration will not result in consumer intake concerns. However, in case residues of metaflumizone occur in lettuce, broccoli and Chinese cabbage at the derived MRL value, acute consumer intake concerns cannot be excluded. Risk managers should decide whether the safety margin of the exposure assessment based on the highest residue is sufficient, considering that in reality residues at the proposed MRL might occur.