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EFSA Science Strategy 2012-2016

Since its inception in 2002, EFSA’s scientific advice has been central to European decision making on the protection of the consumer against threats in the food chain. In the intervening years, the Authority’s operating context has evolved considerably driven by, for example, scientific and technological advancement and the changing legislative framework and, as the organisation has matured, its scientific capacity has developed considerably. These evolutions are reflected in EFSA’s scientific work programme where in recent years the emphasis has increased towards the evaluation of regulated products and where the assessment of environmental risk and risk-benefit and the post-market monitoring of authorised products are more prominent.

This strategy has been guided by and will complement EFSA’s corporate Strategic Plan 2009-2013. It has been built through a process of extensive consultation, internally with EFSA’s Scientific Committee, Advisory Forum, Management Board and staff and its various stakeholders.
