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Annual report of the Scientific Network on Microbiological Risk Assessment 2021

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Wiley Online Library

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Among the tasks of EFSA, according to its founding regulation (Regulation (EC) No 178/2002), there is the establishment of a system of Networks of organisations operating in the fields within EFSA’s mission, the objective being to facilitate a scientific cooperation framework by the coordination of activities, the exchange of information, the development and implementation of joint projects, the exchange of expertise and best practices. The Scientific Network on Microbiological Risk Assessment (MRA Network) had its first meeting in 2007. Currently, 25 European Union Member States and two observer countries (Switzerland and Norway) are participating in the MRA Network. The 21st meeting was held on 5‐6 October 2021 as a web‐meeting. A wide range of activities related to microbial risk assessment were presented including risk ranking of pathogens in different foods, Salmonella in wild boar meat, STEC in flour, bacterial pathogens on fresh fruit and vegetables, Campylobacter and E. coli in broiler meat and Anisakidae in fish, date marking as well as EFSA activities.