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Teme de interes

Siguranță alimentară și sisteme alimentare sustenabile prin consultanță științifică transparentă, independentă și fiabilă Temele noastre

Celelalte platforme EFSA


All you need to know about our risk assessments

Dedicated portal hosting comprehensive information on our risk assessments, from receipt of a mandate or dossier to adoption of an output. Go here to check the status of assessments, and to browse data and studies, meeting agendas and minutes, and details about experts.

EFSA Journal

Our open-access scientific journal

EFSA’s online journal, hosting all our published scientific outputs and supporting documents.


Bringing together EFSA and its stakeholders

Need to ask us about pre-submission advice, public consultations, public access to documents, notification of studies or other similar issues? The Connect platform is where you will find the answers.