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EFSA Management Board supports public consultation launch of communications strategy for 2010-2013

The Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) endorsed the 2009 Annual Activity Report, which showed EFSA issued more than 630 scientific outputs last year, and endorsed for public consultation EFSA’s communications strategy for 2010-2013 developed following research carried out amongst the Authority’s key target audiences.

The board, meeting in Toledo, Spain, also backed EFSA’s preliminary draft Management Plan for 2011 and its preliminary draft budget for 2011 of €79.3 million.

Highlights of EFSA’s scientific activities in 2009 included its first annual report on pesticide residues, opinions on dairy cow welfare, the first series of ‘general function’ health claims, and a joint opinion on antimicrobial resistance with ECDC (the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), EMA (European Medicines Agency) and the European Commission. The work of its Scientific Committee and panels was supported by the outsourcing of preparatory work through contracts and grants worth €6,8 million (compared to €2.3 million in 2008).

Communications strategy

Board members viewed a presentation of qualitative research commissioned by EFSA amongst its customers, partners and key stakeholders in the EU and beyond. Findings indicate that the Authority has become a well-respected European body, recognised as an essential part of the European food safety network, producing independent, science-based support for policy makers. The research also highlights future opportunities, including that EFSA should provide more predictable timetables for its scientific work – taking into account increasing demand – as well as communicate its outputs more simply and continue to strengthen its Member State network.

This research has helped inform the communications strategy confirming that EFSA’s overall approach of working closely with national food safety agencies and stakeholder networks remains appropriate. But the strategy presented for 2010-2013 includes plans to improve the simplicity of its communications and expand public outreach.

“The target audience research is really informative. It has been a key element informing the draft communications strategy 2010-2013 which the board agreed was a very good and useful paper and endorsed for public consultation,” EFSA Management Board chair Diána Bánáti said.

Preliminary draft Management Plan 2011

Demand for EFSA’s scientific opinions will remain high in 2011, and the need for EFSA’s advice on applications for authorisations will grow, especially in areas such as the re-evaluation of feed additives, food enzymes and GMOs. The assessment of health claims, which drew considerable resource in 2009, is currently scheduled to be completed in 2011 but new work in this area is also expected. EFSA will continue to work with the European Commission to set deadlines and priorities in this work. The sharing of data is pivotal to EFSA’s work programme for 2010 and for 2011 and Member State cooperation in this area is crucial.

EFSA’s Networks

The board also discussed a document formalising rules of procedure on European networks of scientific organisations, with a view to harnessing scientific cooperation and exchanges of information, expertise and best practice. The document will be adopted by written procedure following some revisions. The networks have achieved good results so far in such areas as zoonoses, pesticides and contaminants and EFSA aims at establishing similar networks in nanotechnologies, plant and animal health and welfare, and GMOs scheduled for 2010.

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