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Annual report of the EFSA Scientific Network of Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed for 2016

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Wiley Online Library

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To enhance cooperation with EU Member States on nanomaterials, EFSA established in 2010 the Network for Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed. This Network facilitates the exchange of information between EFSA and Member States, as well as the prioritisation of risk assessment activities. The publication of this annual report informs the public, stakeholders and research communities about elements of risk assessment that need expert advice or further development. During the 2016 meeting hosted in Madrid by the Spanish Authorities, the Network discussed its priority topic of test methods needed for risk assessment of nanomaterials in complex matrices. Twenty-one Member State delegates participated to the meeting and received updates on: EFSA’s re-evaluation of food additives, the update of the 2011 EFSA guidance for risk assessment of nanomaterials in agricultural/food/feed products, and on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) guidance development. Four Member State delegates presented national views on risk communication about engineered nanomaterial versus nanofractions, implementing the new Novel Food Regulation, read-across, intake levels and toxicokinetic considerations. Activities at the European Commission were presented, with many safety-related research projects taking place in DG JRC or being coordinated by DG RTD. Such activities provide technical information on the implementation of the EC Recommended definition for Nanomaterial or fill knowledge gaps with respect to safety. The new Novel Food legislation was also presented as well as three Horizon 2020 projects and their state of play. The list with national research projects and the list with contact details of national laboratories that can analyse nanomaterials in complex matrices remain available.