ONE Conference 2022 - video recordings now available
Did you miss the ONE Conference, want to catch up on sessions you were unable to attend or simply wish to relive the inspiring talks and discussions that took place in Brussels in June? You can now...
Plus d'espace, des températures plus basses, des trajets plus courts : les recommandations de l'EFSA pour améliorer le bien-être des animaux pendant le transport
Allouer davantage d'espace, abaisser les températures maximales et réduire la durée des trajets sont autant de mesures nécessaires si l’on veut améliorer le bien-être des animaux d'élevage pendant le...
Animal welfare during transport: free moving animals
More space, lower temperatures, shorter journeys: these are some of the key recommendations to improve animal welfare during transport, included in five new scientific opinions by EFSA.
Animal welfare during transport: animals in containers
More space, lower temperatures, journeys up to max 12 hours: these are some of the key recommendations to improve the welfare of animals transported in containers, included in a new scientific opinion...
L'EFSA annonce la nomination d'un nouveau scientifique en chef
Carlos Gonçalo das Neves prendra ses nouvelles fonctions de scientifique en chef de l'EFSA le 1er novembre 2022.
Stratégie « de la ferme à la table » : recommandations de l’EFSA pour améliorer le bien-être des porcs d'élevage
L’EFSA a publié un avis scientifique sur le bien-être des porcs au sein des exploitations d'élevage. Il fournit des suggestions détaillées pour améliorer le bien-être de toutes les catégories de porcs...
Wanted: Partners to develop training courses on chemical risk assessment and dietary exposure assessment
EFSA is looking for organisations that can develop and deliver specialised training courses on specific aspects of chemical risk assessment, dietary exposure assessment, and related tools. Scientists...
Stop African swine fever
African swine fever (ASF) is a disease that affects domestic and wild pigs. Although it is harmless to humans, it can be deadly for pigs and has serious socio-economic consequences for affected...
Detect, prevent, report: EFSA’s African swine fever campaign extended for the third year
The campaign ‘Stop African swine fever’ has been extended for the third consecutive year. It is run in partnership with local authorities in eighteen countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina...
Abeilles et pesticides : consultation publique sur la mise à jour du document d’orientation
Les parties intéressées sont invitées à soumettre leurs commentaires sur le document d'orientation mis à jour relatif à l'évaluation des risques associés aux produits phytopharmaceutiques pour les...
OpenFoodTox: chemical hazards database
OpenFoodTox is a tool and source of information for scientific advisory bodies and stakeholders with an interest in chemical risk assessment.