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3rd meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Bureau


The third meeting of the Stakeholder Bureau took place in Brussels on 17 October 2018. It was chaired by EFSA’s Executive Director, Bernhard Url. Delegates were welcomed by the Chair of EFSA’s Management Board, Jaana Husu-Kallio. The agenda of the meeting was co-created with the Bureau members and designed with a view to allow space for interaction and questions.

Ms Husu-Kallio acknowledged the work of the Bureau and reminded members that the Stakeholder Forum meeting on 20 November would be an additional opportunity for EFSA’s registered stakeholders to provide input to the mid-term review of EFSA’s Strategy 2020. She also invited the Bureau to contribute to the Stakeholder Forum’s discussions and help to set priorities for the EFSA Strategy 2027.

Dr Url thanked the Bureau members for their active participation, adding that EFSA will continue to exchange information with them and was looking forward to more interaction over the coming months. He closed the meeting by saying that “together, we can go further by doing our bit for the overall European project and bring Europe’s food safety system ever closer to the citizen”.

The next meeting of the Stakeholder Bureau shall take place in six-month time (April 2019, date tbc).

See also