The risks associated with tail biting in pigs and possible means to reduce the need for tail docking considering the different housing and husbandry systems - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare
Meta data
Pig Welfare, tail biting, tail docking, docked, undocked.
Question number
Panel members at the time of adoption
The Scientific Panel for Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) of the European Food Safety
Authority adopted the current Scientific Opinion on 6 December 2007. The Members of the
AHAW Scientific Panel were:
Bo Algers, Harry J. Blokhuis, Donald M. Broom, Patrizia Costa, Mariano Domingo, Mathias
Greiner, Daniel Guemene, Jörg Hartung, Frank Koenen, Christine Muller-Graf, David B.
Morton, Albert Osterhaus, Dirk U. Pfeiffer, Ron Roberts, Moez Sanaa, Mo Salman, J. Michael
Sharp, Philippe Vannier, Martin Wierup, Marion Wooldridge.
Authority adopted the current Scientific Opinion on 6 December 2007. The Members of the
AHAW Scientific Panel were:
Bo Algers, Harry J. Blokhuis, Donald M. Broom, Patrizia Costa, Mariano Domingo, Mathias
Greiner, Daniel Guemene, Jörg Hartung, Frank Koenen, Christine Muller-Graf, David B.
Morton, Albert Osterhaus, Dirk U. Pfeiffer, Ron Roberts, Moez Sanaa, Mo Salman, J. Michael
Sharp, Philippe Vannier, Martin Wierup, Marion Wooldridge.
No abstract available
© European Food Safety Authority, 2007