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Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of vitamin B6 as a feed additive for all animal species

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Pyridoxine hydrochloride is a form of vitamin B6, an essential micronutrient. It occurs in the body as pyridoxal 5’-phosphate. It serves as a coenzyme in transamination, decarboxylation and desamination reactions. It plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins (amino acids), fatty acids and carbohydrates, and in the synthesis of transmitters. Its major role is neuroprotection. Oral administration routes of pyridoxine hydrochloride via feed or water are considered as bioequivalent. Pyridoxine hydrochloride is considered to be safe for all animal species at the commercial use levels. The FEEDAP Panel concludes that the use of pyridoxine hydrochloride as a nutritional additive does not give rise to concern for consumers. The FEEDAP Panel, in the absence of data, cannot conclude on skin and eye irritation and skin sensitisation although the Panel notes that pyridoxine hydrochloride may cause photosensitisation. The data on physical properties of the specific formulation considered in this opinion would indicate that the risk of inhalation exposure is low. This conclusion could only apply to other formulations with similar physical properties. Pyridoxine occurs widely in nature (in most plant feed materials). Its use in animal nutrition is not expected to substantially increase the concentration in the environment. Therefore, a risk for the environment resulting from the use of pyridoxine in animal nutrition is not foreseen. Due to the long history of use and its established nutritional role in domestic animals, pyridoxine hydrochloride is regarded as an effective source of vitamin B6.