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Outcome of the public consultation on the Scientific Opinion on the identification of pesticides to be included in cumulative assessment groups (CAGs) on the basis of their toxicological profile

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A Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) on the identification of pesticides to be included in cumulative assessment groups (CAGs) on the basis of their toxicological profile has been adopted by the PPR Panel on the 19 June and was published on 12 July 2013. The scientific Opinion presents a general methodology for establishment of CAGs and CAGs for pesticide active substances having adverse effects on the thyroid and nervous system. From 17 July until 30 September 2013 EFSA has carried out a public stakeholder consultation on the Scientific Opinion in order to, if appropriate, improve or refine the way the methodology is applied in practice and to identify issues deserving specific considerations in future activities on cumulative risk assessment of pesticides. In total 69 comments/questions have been received. These have been thoroughly analysed by EFSA and are presented together with individual EFSA responses in this report. Wherever appropriate, comments received will be considered by EFSA for further activities in regard to the implementation of cumulative risk assessment for pesticides. EFSA thanks all stakeholders for their valuable contributions.