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Solanum glaucophyllum evaluation is first under revised feed materials framework

A new EFSA opinion on a feed material derived from Solanum glaucophyllum, or “waxy-leaf nightshade”, is published today. This is the first EFSA evaluation carried out under the revised framework for feed materials covered by Regulation 767/2009.

The evaluation concerns the use of a compound feed based on Solanum glaucophyllum leaves mixed with flour and intended for a variety of livestock. 

Solanum glaucophyllum, a member of the Solanaceae family, contains a compound with vitamin Dietary substance needed in very small amounts to support normal growth and maintenance of health in humans and animals. Most vitamins are 'essential' as they are not made within the body. D activity, which could help meet the requirement for vitamin D. However, ingestion of excessive amounts of Solanum glaucophyllum leaves can cause hypercalcaemia (elevated calcium levels in blood) and be a health concern for animals.

EFSA’s experts concluded that it can be safely used for pigs and chickens up to a certain level in the diet. In dairy cows its use can help in the prevention of milk fever, but a safe use level could not be established. Similarly, no common safe level can be set for all animal species A subdivision of the genus, a species is a group of closely related and similar-looking organisms; for example, in the case of Homo sapiens (humans), the second part of the name (sapiens) represents the species..