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Solanum glaucophyllum evaluation is first under revised feed materials framework

A new EFSA opinion on a feed material derived from Solanum glaucophyllum, or “waxy-leaf nightshade”, is published today. This is the first EFSA evaluation carried out under the revised framework for feed materials covered by Regulation 767/2009.

The evaluation concerns the use of a compound feed based on Solanum glaucophyllum leaves mixed with flour and intended for a variety of livestock. 

Solanum glaucophyllum, a member of the Solanaceae family, contains a compound with vitamin Prehranska snov, ki je potrebna v zelo majhnih količinah za podporo normalni rasti ter ohranjanju zdravja ljudi in živali. Večina vitaminov je „esencialnih“, saj se ne proizvajajo v telesu. D activity, which could help meet the requirement for vitamin D. However, ingestion of excessive amounts of Solanum glaucophyllum leaves can cause hypercalcaemia (elevated calcium levels in blood) and be a health concern for animals.

EFSA’s experts concluded that it can be safely used for pigs and chickens up to a certain level in the diet. In dairy cows its use can help in the prevention of milk fever, but a safe use level could not be established. Similarly, no common safe level can be set for all animal species.