Resistance of Salmonella and Campylobacter bacteria to commonly used antimicrobials continues to be observed frequently in humans and animals, according to the latest EFSA and ECDC report on AMR.

Countries that have decreased their consumption of antibiotics in both animals and humans have seen a reduction in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This is according to the fourth joint JIACRA report by...

Humans, animals and the environment – what affects one affects all. Discover why the One Health approach is vital for our future!

EFSA scientists routinely evaluate the safety of novel proteins in the GMO and novel foods areas. Our evaluations include the safety of the production process used to manufacture the product under...

This is the finding of EFSA’s opinion on the public health risk linked to the presence of inorganic arsenic in food, confirming the outcome of EFSA’s previous assessment from 2009.

Advances in data modelling offer a more ethical alternative. Could we end animal tests?

They’re not from space but live among us! What are invasive alien species and what is their impact?

In recent weeks, detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses in wild birds in Europe have risen, although the increase began later than in previous years. This is possibly due to a...

Ready-to-eat fish products, mainly smoked salmon, are the likely source of an ongoing multi-country outbreak ofListeria monocytogenes.

Campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis were the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases in humans in the EU in 2022. However, the number of cases was still lower than during the pre-pandemic years...

Established in 2008, the Focal Point (FP) Network consists of representatives from the national food safety authorities of the Member States (MSs), Iceland and Norway, as well as observers from...