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Study identifies key topics for future work in food safety

A study commissioned by EFSA to prioritise future work in the area of food safety has identified 28 key topics. The results of this study will guide collaboration between EFSA and EU Member States and contribute to the development of a common risk assessment agenda. 

The study used the Delphi methodology with a three-round iterative survey. It involved more than 200 scientists and experts from a wide range of fields related to risk assessment in the area of food safety.

The experts were asked to identify and rate food safety priorities according to certain criteria such as their potential for saving resources, their added value to support risk assessment activities and their potential to improve harmonisation of risk assessment.

The 28 topics are grouped in five categories: chemical, microbiological and environmental risk assessment, nutrition Vetenskapen om sambandet mellan kosten och kroppens behov av näring. and a generic category of cross-cutting issues. Using an aggregate rating measure, two topics in each category were identified as top-rated. These include: common data collection across Europe, risk assessment of aggregated exposure, antimicrobial resistance, zoonoses, environmental contaminants in food, and the development of standard risk-benefit assessment methods of foods. 

Final report on ‘the identification of food safety priorities using the Delphi technique’

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