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Episode 27 - Never mind the buzzkill: How mosquitoes spread disease

Tiny killers. Mosquitoes are the most dangerous creatures on our planet. Millions of humans and animals die each year from diseases spread by mosquitoes and other insects. How do they spread these diseases? And how does climate change affect the trend? Join us as we explore the lives of some of the planet’s least popular insects and learn what we can all do to protect ourselves from bites. We also look at ways health authorities are working to combat these vector-borne diseases. Tune in to find out what the buzz is all about! 

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James Ramsay, Head of the Communication Unit at EFSA

Sofie Dhollander, Scientific Officer in the Animal Health team at EFSA

Disclaimer: Views expressed by interviewees do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Food Safety Authority. All content is up to date at the time of publication.