Technical stakeholder event: cumulative risk assessment of pesticides in food
EFSA is finalising two pilot risk assessments looking at the cumulative risks of pesticide residues in food. EFSA has performed retrospective assessments of cumulative risks for the nervous system and the thyroid using monitoring data from 2014, 2015 and 2016.
These assessments represent an important step towards the inclusion of cumulative risk assessment in the annual reports on pesticide residues (article 32 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005). They use methodologies not commonly used for the assessment of single substances such as probabilistic modelling, expert knowledge elicitation, uncertainty analysis and risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals.
Although the methodologies were subject to public consultations before adoption, EFSA decided that the highly complex nature of the subsequent work – and the high public interest in this area – warranted further engagement with stakeholders.
EFSA has therefore launched public consultations on the two assessments. The collected comments will be used to finalise the scientific reports and may also contribute to the future evolution of the methodology in the next phases of the cumulative risk assessment project.
To complement the consultations, EFSA is holding an event in Brussels to explain and discuss the science behind the assessments with representatives of stakeholder groups with an interest in pesticides.
Structure of the meeting
EFSA scientists and external experts will present the approaches taken and main findings of the two assessments, including the use of uncertainty analysis. These will be followed by a discussion during which attendees will have the opportunity to put questions to the presenters.
Who should attend?
The meeting is intended for all stakeholders with expertise and interest in the area of pesticides in general and cumulative risk assessment of pesticides in particular. This is a specialist scientific meeting aimed at discussing technical issues related to the draft assessments. It is not a public meeting. Participation is limited to a maximum of 60 participants, including speakers. In considering applications, EFSA will aim to ensure sufficient representation of the various fields of expertise and different sectors as well as geographical balance.
Interested parties can register here. Registration closes on 11 October 2019.
Logistical information
The meeting takes place in Brussels, Belgium, on 22 October 2019, from 09:00 until 12:30. Further details on the venue and logistics will be communicated to applicants selected to participate following the closure of registrations. English is the language of the event; no translation will be provided.
There is no participation fee but you will be expected to cover expenses related to your travel and accommodation.
Do not hesitate to contact Luc Mohimont (content matters) at or Francesco Amoretti (organisational matters) at
List of attending stakeholders:
- Anses
- Bayer
- BfR
- Copa-Cogeca
- European Commission
- France Chimie
- Primoris Belgium
- Syngenta Ltd
- The Dutch Feed and Grain Trade Association