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Pest categorisation of Carposina sasakii

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The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of the peach fruit moth, Carposina sasakii Matsumura (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae) for the EU. C. sasakii is not currently regulated in the EU although C. niponensis, a valid species of no economic significance that was previously mistakenly synonymised with C. sasakii, is regulated in Annex IIAI of 2000/29 EC. C. sasakii is a well‐defined species that is recognised as a major pest of apples, peaches and pears in eastern China, Japan, Korea and Far East Russia. C. sasakii is not known to occur in the EU. Adult C. sasakii emerge in the spring or early summer. Eggs are laid on host fruits. Larvae burrow into the fruit to develop. Infested fruits often drop early. Larvae exit fruit and overwinter in the soil. In the more southern areas of distribution, there can be two or more generations per year. Import of host fruit provides a potential pathway into the EU. C. sasakii occurs in a range of climates in Asia, some of which occur in the EU. Wild and commercially grown hosts are available within the EU. C. sasakii has the potential to establish within the EU where there could be one or two generations per year. Impacts could be expected in apples, pears and other rosaceous fruit crops. The level of impacts would be uncertain. Phytosanitary measures are available to reduce the likelihood of introduction of CsasakiiC. sasakii meets all the criteria assessed by EFSA PLHP to satisfy the definition of a Union quarantine pest. C. sasakii does not meet the criteria of occurring within the EU, nor plants for planting being the principal means of spread, so does not satisfy all the criteria for it to be regarded as a Union regulated non‐quarantine pest (RNQP).