NP/EFSA/RAL/2024/01 - Technical support for the editing of documents related to the pesticides peer review process
Call reference: NP/EFSA/RAL/2024/01
This call is based on EFSA Founding regulation and EFSA’s 2024 Draft Work Programme for grants and operational procurements as presented in Annex XII of the Programming Document 2023 – 2025, available on the EFSA’s website. EFSA is a European agency funded by the European Union (EU) that operates independently of the European legislative and executive institutions (Commission, Council, Parliament) and EU Member States. It was set up in 2002 following a series of food crises in the late 1990s to be a source of scientific advice and communication on risks associated with the food chain. The agency was legally established by the EU under the General Food Law - Regulation 178/2002. The General Food Law created a European food safety system, in which responsibility for risk assessment (science) and for risk management (policy) are kept separate. EFSA is responsible for the former area and has a duty to communicate its scientific findings to the public. The Risk Assessment Logistics (RAL) facilitates the scientific production by connecting people, tools and processes towards future EFSA. RAL is supporting the EFSA Strategy 2027 by leaning and harmonising the procedure and by implementing excellent logistic support for the development of scientific output.
The Pesticides Peer Review (PREV) unit is responsible of the production of peer review conclusions in the frame of the EU authorisation process of Plant Protection Products (PPP), including on negligible exposure and Art. 4.7 activities. It coordinates the Governmental Experts Peer Review Meetings and related Working Groups. It develops scientific methods and guidance related to PPR. It supports the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR), its Working Groups and Scientific Networks for guidance development and for input on specific questions related to EFSA’s work on PPP.
To prepare 340 background documents during the Peer Review Process (e.g., compile Peer Review Report (PRR), prepare compilation of comments, prepare evaluation tables and written procedure on additional information).
Selection criteria - technical and professional capacity:
- Requirement 1: at least 6 months of professional experience in providing editing support, preferably gained in international/EU environment: competence related to drafting reports, advanced editing, formatting and proofreading of document in line with existing standards (collecting data, updating excel table, extracting information and reassembling information differently) and a;
- Requirement 2: good command of English. The language for the implementation of the assignment is English. Any written deliverables must be to a high standard of English which does not require proof reading.
- Requirement 3: thorough knowledge of the Microsoft tools (Word, Excel, Teams, SharePoint, Power Point).
If you are interested in this procedure please send an email within the deadline to EFSAprocurement [at] quoting the reference of the procedure and specifying the following:
• your name/organisation’s name and address;
• whether you participate as a physical person or an organisation/private company.