NP/EFSA/ENREL/2023/03 - Multi-annual crisis preparedness exercises on food and feed safety in IPA beneficiaries
EFSA regularly organizes crisis preparedness exercises and related activities to plan and practice how to respond to possible emergency situations. As crises may not be confined to the EU borders, it is crucial to involve Pre-Accession countries in such preparedness exercise. The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) provides financial and technical assistance to support reforms in the EU enlargement region, building-up the capacities of the beneficiaries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo[1], Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye) throughout the accession process[2].
To support the IPA countries in building capacities to address future food related crises, a multi-annual crisis preparedness training should be developed and executed.
- developing annual training plans and materials, covering three two-day workshops (one per year in 2024, 2025 and 2026) with different training formats (such as case studies, desktop exercises and command-post simulation exercises) and the simulation covering an urgent response to a multi-country animal health/public health risk outbreak in areas of biological hazards, animal health and welfare, plant health and/or chemical hazards;
- organising and executing the training on site and measure its success;
- advising EFSA and the IPA countries, making recommendations on areas that need further improvement for crisis preparedness.
The expected outcomes of the training are:
- developed/enhanced urgent response capacities in both, risk assessment and risk communication;
- improved incident response collaboration between IPA national coordinating institutions and IPA national stakeholders involved during incident/crisis situations within EFSA’s remit;
- improved crisis preparedness procedures.
Selection criteria - Technical and professional capacity:
The tenderer needs to have experience in organising and facilitating crisis preparedness training activities, delivering workshops and/or functional exercises, and drafting reports, and have knowledge of EU legislation applicable to EFSA’s remit.
Each expert in the multi-disciplinary team must have an excellent level of spoken and written English.
If you are interested in this procedure please send an email within the deadline to quoting the reference of the procedure and specifying the following:
- your name/organisation’s name and address.
- whether you participate as a physical person or an organisation/private company.
[1] This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.