The 2018 European Union Report on pesticide residues - fat (bovine)
Last reviewed date:
- Overall
- Aubergines
- Bananas
- Broccoli
- Cultivated fungi
- Grapefruits
- Melons
- Sweet peppers
- Table grapes
- Wheat
- Olive oil
- Eggs (chicken)
- Fat (bovine)
Results concerning this EUCP food product are presented.
- Bar chart presents the frequency of quantification versus MRL The maximum amount of a pesticide residue allowed in foods or animal feeds, expressed as milligrams per kilogram exceedances for 2018 compared to 2015 (if included in the EUCP). The percentages of samples with residues at or above the LOQ The limit of quantification (LOQ) is lowest concentration of a substance that can be measured with certainty using standard tests but below or equal to the MRL are included as blue bars (dark blue bars presenting the percentage in 2018 and light blue bars the percentage in 2015). The percentages of samples exceeding the MRLs are included as orange bars (dark orange bars presenting the percentage in 2018 and light orange bars the percentage in 2015). The figures in brackets next to the name of the pesticide Substance used to kill or control pests, including disease-carrying organisms and undesirable insects, animals and plants refer to the number of samples without quantifiable residues (samples with residues below the LOQ), number of samples with quantified residues within the legal permitted concentrations and the number of samples exceeding the MRLs, respectively. The number and percentage of samples exceeding the legal limit are based on the judgement of the reporting country.
- Table presents for each substance exceeding the MRL, the country of origin and the EU status in 2018 in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009.
- Pie charts presents the number and the percentage of samples free of quantifiable residues (residues below the LOQ) and of samples with single and multiple residues (residues ≥ LOQ).
- Dot plot figure presents the distribution of the measured residue levels expressed as a percentage of the MRL applicable for the specific pesticide/crop combination. Each result at or above the LOQ is depicted as a dot in the respective figure. The percentage is indicated for each substance when selecting the dot on the figure.