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Εκτελεστικός διευθυντής

Τμήμα/Μονάδα: Εκτελεστική Διεύθυνση
Τηλέφωνο: +39 0521 036 397
Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου: Bernhard.Url [at]

Ακολουθήστε @BUrl_EFSA

Δρ. Bernhard Url

Δήλωση συμφερόντων(9.12 KB)

Ο Δρ. Bernhard Url διορίστηκε εκτελεστικός διευθυντής της EFSA τον Ιούνιο του 2014, αφού προηγουμένως υπηρέτησε ως ασκών καθήκοντα εκτελεστικού διευθυντή επί επτά μήνες. Η δεύτερη θητεία του παρατάθηκε τον Ιούνιο του 2019 για άλλα 5 έτη. Ο Δρ. Url ξεκίνησε να εργάζεται στην EFSA τον Ιούνιο του 2012 ως προϊστάμενος του Τμήματος Εκτίμησης Κινδύνων και Επιστημονικής Συνδρομής. Ως πτυχιούχος κτηνίατρος με εξειδικευμένη εκπαίδευση, μεταφέρει στον ρόλο του στην EFSA την πείρα την οποία έχει αποκτήσει από τη θητεία του σε ανώτερες διευθυντικές θέσεις σε οργανισμούς του τομέα της ασφάλειας τροφίμων στις οποίες έχει υπηρετήσει.

Πριν ξεκινήσει να εργάζεται στην Αρχή, ο Δρ. Url διετέλεσε διευθύνων σύμβουλος της Αυστριακής Υπηρεσίας για την Υγεία και την Ασφάλεια των Τροφίμων (AGES), η οποία εκπροσωπεί την Αυστρία στο συμβουλευτικό φόρουμ της EFSA. Από το 2008 έως τον Μάρτιο του 2012, διετέλεσε επίσης μέλος του διοικητικού συμβουλίου της EFSA.

Κατά τη διάρκεια της 10ετούς παραμονής του στην AGES, υπήρξε αρμόδιος για τεχνικά και επιστημονικά θέματα, με αρμοδιότητες που περιλάμβαναν την έγκαιρη παροχή υπηρεσιών εκτίμησης κινδύνων και διαχείρισης κινδύνων σε ευρύ φάσμα τομέων. Σε αυτές συμπεριλαμβανόταν η διασφάλιση της αποτελεσματικής παροχής ενημερώσεων σχετικά με τους κινδύνους κατά τη διάρκεια επειγόντων περιστατικών τα οποία σχετίζονταν με την ασφάλεια των τροφίμων.

Πριν από την AGES, ο Δρ. Url διετέλεσε επίκουρος καθηγητής στο Ινστιτούτο Υγιεινής και Τεχνολογίας του Γάλακτος της Κτηνιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου της Βιέννης για πέντε έτη, πριν την ενασχόλησή του με τη λειτουργία εργαστηρίου ελέγχου ποιότητας των τροφίμων, από το 1993 έως το 2002.

Ο Δρ. Url αποφοίτησε από την Κτηνιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου της Βιέννης το 1987 και απέκτησε τον τίτλο του διδάκτορα κτηνιατρικής το 1990. Διαθέτει δημοσιεύσεις στον τομέα της κτηνιατρικής με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στη λιστερίωση και την υγιεινή του γάλακτος.


  • 5 February
    • 117th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 6 February 
    • Visit of Stefano Bonaccini, President of Italy's Emilia Romagna Region
  • 8 February 
    • EUAN Heads of Agencies meeting
  • 9 February 
    • JRC-EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 13 February
    • Meeting with MEP Pascal Canfin
    • Meeting with MEP Jan Huitema
    • Meeting with MEP Bas Eickhout
    • Meeting with Sandra Gallina, Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety
    • Meeting with MEP Christophe Clergeau
  • 14 February
    • Exchange of views with the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament
  • 21 February 
    • Meeting with Robert Califf, US FDA Commissioner
  • 5 March
    • Meeting with Peter Van Kemseke, Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
    • Meeting with representatives of Belgian administration
  • 6-7 March
    • 91st Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 8 March
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 20-21 March
    • 97th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 9 April
    • 14th Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 10 April
    • 118th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 17 April
    • EFSA workshop for Chief Veterinary Officers on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • 22-23 May
    • 92nd Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 30 May
    • 119th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 4 June
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 13 June
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 19-20 June
    • 98th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 2 July
    • EFSA Scientific Committee and Panels inauguration event
  • 12 August
    • Video address at Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office 10th Anniversary event
  • 2 September
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 2-3 October
    • 93rd Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 9 October
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 10 October
    • EUAN Heads of Agencies meeting
  • 15 October
    • 15th Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 22 October 
    • Visit of Emily O’Reilly, European Ombudsman
  • 24-25 October
    • ECHA-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 5 November
    • Meeting with Hubert Gambs, Deputy Director General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
    • Meeting with Peter Van Kemseke, Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
  • 7 November
    • Visit to World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES)
  • 19 November
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 20 November
    • 121st Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 21 November
    • High-Level event at the Permanent Representation of Denmark
  • 22 November
    • Meeting with Mrs Werner, EC Deputy Secretary General
  • 26 November
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 27 November
    • 7th Stakeholder Forum
  • 4-5 December
    • 94th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 11-12 December
    • 99th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 9 January
    • Meeting with Dr Sharon McGuiness, Executive Director European Chemicals Agency
  • 10 January
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 25 January
    • Committee of Permanent Representatives Meeting (COREPER)
    • Meeting with Giorgos Rossides & Roberto Reig Rodrigo | Cabinet of Commissioner Stella Kyriakides
  • 9 February
    • EUAN Heads of Agencies meeting
  • 15 February
    • 112th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 22 February
    • CPVO / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 9 March
    • Visit of Pierre-Emmanuel De Bauw, Ambassador of Belgium to Italy, Malta, San Marino & UN organisations
  • 15-16 March
    • 87th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 22-23 March
    • 95th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 18 April
    • Meeting with Katie Serrano, Director of FDA Brussels Office
  • 19 April
    • 113th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 24 April
    • Meeting with Sandra Gallina, Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety
  • 25 April
    • Meeting with MEP Pascal Canfin
    • Meeting with MEP Jan Huitema
    • Meeting with European Livestock Voice
  • 27 April
    • Meeting Aurel Ciobanu Dordea, DG Environment – European Commission
  • 4 May
    • ECHA/EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 8 May
    • WHO Europe / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 10 May
    • Meeting with Maria do Céu Antunes, Minister of Agriculture and Food, Portugal
    • Meeting with Helena Malcata, Ambassador of Portugal for European Affairs
  • 11 May
    • 30 years of the internal market and the EU food safety system transformation
  • 24 May
    • 51st EFSA Focal Point Meeting
  • 13 June
    • 12th Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 14 June
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 21-22 June
    • 96th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 27-28 June
    • 88th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 29 June
    • Meeting with representatives from Swedish Ministry of Health, Agriculture and the Environment
  • 18 July
    • Exchange of views with the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament
  • 24-25 July
    • EMA/EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 30 August
    • Exchange of views with the AGRI Committee of the European Parliament
  • 5 September
    • Meeting with Steve Musser, Deputy Center Director for Scientific Operations, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, US Food & Drug Administration
  • 7 September 
    • High-level meeting with Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb)
  • 13 September
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 20 September
    • 115th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 4 October
    • Meeting with Ms Ildikó Horváth, Director Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU
  • 4-5 October
    • 89th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 11 October
    • Meeting with National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Netherlands (RIVM)
  • 13 October
    • 13th EFSA Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 27 October
    • EUAN Heads of Agencies meeting
  • 8 November
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 9 November
    • 6th Stakeholder Forum
  • 15 November
    • WHO Europe / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 16 November
    • European Environment Agency / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 16-17 November
    • Technical University of Denmark (DTU) / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 17 November
    • Meeting with Danish Ministry of Food, Fisheries and Agriculture
  • 22 November
    • 116th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 30 November – 1 December
    • 90th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 4 December
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 13-14 December
    • 97th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 20 December
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 14 January
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 9 February
    • 107th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 10 February
    • Informal Health EPSCO Council meeting
  • 3 March
    • Health Canada / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 15 March
    • Meeting with Food Safety Commission of Japan
  • 15 March
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 23-24 March
    • 90th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 28 March
    • EMCDDA / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 31 March
    • DG SANTE / EFSA workshop on "new approaches for food safety Risk Assessment"
  • 1 April
    • Meeting with MEP Pietro Fiocchi
  • 4 April
    • DG HERA / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 6 April
    • Meeting with the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES)
  • 6-7 April
    • 83rd Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 21 April
    • 10th Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 27 April
    • 108th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 5 May
    • European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization / EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 12 May
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 17 May
    • Exchange of views with the AGRI Committee of the European Parliament
    • BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation) 60th Anniversary Celebration
  • 18 May
    • Meeting with MEP Norbert Lins
    • Meeting with Giorgos Rossides & Roberto Reig Rodrigo | Cabinet of Commissioner Stella Kyriakides
  • 24 May
    • Meeting with MEP Pascal Canfin
  • 30 May
    • Meeting with Delegation from Upper Austria
  • 31 May-1 June
    • Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety 20th Anniversary Event
  • 8-9 June
    • 84th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 15 June
    • Meeting with Swedish National Food Agency (SLV)
  • 17 June
    • Meeting with French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)
  • 20 June
    • Meeting with Sandra Gallina, Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety
  • 21-24 June
    • ONE – Health, Environment, Society – Conference 2022
      • Meeting with Monique Eloit, Director General, World Organisation for Animal Health
      • Meeting with Gerda Verburg, Coordinator at the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement
      • Meeting with the Cesare Onestini, Director-General for Agriculture, Fisheries, Social Affairs and Health (LIFE) & Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, Director LIFE.3 Veterinary and plant health questions, food and forestry
      • Meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
      • Meeting with French Presidency of the Council of European Union 2022
  • 28-29 June
    • 91st Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 5 July
    • 109th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 7 July
    • EUAN Workshop on Internal Governance
  • 11 July
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 11 July
    • DG SANTE / EFSA workshop on "new approaches for food safety Risk Assessment"
  • 22 July
    • Visit of NVWA Inspector General
  • 1 September
    • Kick-off Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 8 September
    • German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) 20th Anniversary Event
  • 13 September
    • High-level meeting with Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb)
  • 14 September
    • 49th Meeting of the EFSA Focal Points
  • 15 September
    • JRC-EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 19 September
    • Kick-off seminar for the new Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM)
  • 21 September
    • 110th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 23 September
    • Technical University of Denmark Risk Assessment Conference
  • 5-6 October
    • 92nd Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 10 October
    • Visit of AIACE Austria delegation
  • 13 October
    • 11th EFSA Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 20 October
    • Meeting with the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) senior management
  • 25-26 October
    • 85th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 3-4 November
    • German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) 20th Anniversary Event
  • 7 November
    • Meeting with Sandra Gallina, Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety
  • 8 November
    • Exchange of view with the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament
    • Meeting with MEP Günther Sidl
  • 16 November
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
    • 111th EFSA Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 24 November
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 28 November
    • European Agri-Food Sustainability & Innovation Conference
  • 29 November
    • Meeting with Comune di Parma
  • 30 November
    • EMA/EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 6 December
    • 85th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 7 December
    • Risk Assessment Research Assembly (RARA) 2022
  • 14-15 December
    • 93rd Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 4 February 2021
    • EUAN Heads of Agencies meeting
  • 24 February 2021
    • Heads of European Food Safety Agencies meeting
  • 3-4 March 2021
    • 79th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 16 March 2021
    • 8th Meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Bureau
  • 19 March 2021
    • EFSA-EIT Hackathon 2021 – Award Ceremony
  • 24-25 March 2021
    • 86th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 30 March 2021
    • DG SANTE Celebratory event for the entry into application of the Transparency Regulation in the food chain
  • 15 April 2021
    • Exchange of views with the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament
  • 1 June 2021
    • EUAN Executive Director’s Group on Administrative Excellence
  • 3 June 2021
    • 4th Inter Agency Meeting
  • 7 June 2021
    • EFSA-DG SANTE Senior Management Meeting
  • 9-10 June 2021
    • 80th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 16 June 2021
    • 8th Roundtable with Industry Associations
  • 18 June 2021
    • Meeting with the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) senior management
  • 23-24 June 2021
    • 87th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 30 June 2021
    • 104th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 13 July 2021
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 9 September
    • High-level meeting with Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb)
  • 16 September
    • ECHA-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 20 September
    • JRC-EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 22-23 September
    • 105th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 29 September
    • DG AGRI-EFSA Cooperation Meeting
  • 4 October
    • ECHA-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 5 October
    • 9th Stakeholder Bureau Meeting
  • 8 October
    • ECHA-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 13-14 October
    • 88th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 18 October
    • ENVI Agencies Cooperation Meeting
  • 25 October
    • Meeting with Vincenzo Amendola, Italian Undersecretary for European Affairs
  • 28 October
    • EUAN Heads of Agencies meeting
  • 8 November
    • Meeting with Patrick Child, Deputy Director-General DG Environment – European Commission
  • 10 November
    • 2021 Stakeholder Forum
  • 17-18 November
    • 106th Scientific Committee Plenary Meeting
  • 23 November
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management Meeting
  • 29 November
    • European Commission High Level Event on new Genomic Techniques
  • 1-2 December 
    • 82nd Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 15-16 December 
    • 89th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 30 January 2020 – Riga, Latvia
    • BIOR International Scientific Symposium “Science to strengthen sustainable and safe food systems”
  • 21-22 January 2020 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with D. Müller, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Hahn
    • Meeting with MEP U. Müller
    • Meeting with MEP N. Lins
    • Meeting with MEP S. Bonafé
    • Meetings with EC Senior Managers
    • Meeting with M. Goyens, Director General of BEUC
  • 06 February 2020 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 18 February 2020 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Exchange of views with the AGRI Committee, European Parliament
  • 01-02 April 2020
    • 75th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 21 April 2020
    • ANSES-EFSA annual Directors Meeting
  • 06 May 2020
    • EFSA-DG SANTE Senior Management Meeting
  • 26 May 2020
    • Roundtable with Representatives of NGOs
  • 17 June 2020
    • 83rd Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 22 June 2020
    • DG SANTE Interagency Meeting
  • 01-02 July 2020
    • 76th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 09 July 2020
    • Extraordinary Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies on COVID-19
  • 14 September 2020
    • Meeting with Representatives of the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (ctgb)
  • 15 September 2020
    • Roundtable with industry Associations
  • 08 October 2020
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 14-15 October 2020
    • 84th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 28-29 October 2020
    • 77th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 30 October 2020
    • Meeting with Representatives of the German Environment Agency (UBA)
  • 13 November 2020
    • EFSA-EEA Senior Management Meeting
  • 17-18 November 2020
    • EFSA-ECHA Strategy Workshop
  • 26 November 2020
    • EFSA-DG SANTE Senior Management Meeting
  • 2-3 December 2020
    • 78th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 04 December 2020
    • JRC Launch of the EU Soil Observatory
  • 15 December 2020
    • Meeting with Mr Giorgos Rossides, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Kyriakides
  • 16-17 December 2020
    • 85th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 9-10 December 2019 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with MEP Bernhuber, European Parliament
    • Meeting with MEP Hojsik, European Parliament
    • DG SANTE-EFSA Senior Management meetings, European Commission
  • 2 December 2019 - Milan
    • SDA Bocconi MBA Leadership Series, Bocconi University
  • 27-28 November 2019 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 74th meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 7 November 2019 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Presentation of the responsibilities and activities of the Agencies under ENVI competence, European Parliament
    • Meeting with the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commission
  • 4-6 November 2019 – Vienna, Austria
    • Press conference "Challenges for Food Safety in Europe"
    • Meeting with AGES Senior Management
    • “AGES Risk Day - Climate Change, Nutrition & Health - How do we get from knowledge to action?”
    • Interview with ORF Radio
    • Interview with Der Standard
  • 23-24 October 2019 – Stockholm, Sweden
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 17-18 October 2019 – EFSA premises
    • 3rd Meeting of the EFSA’s Stakeholder Forum
  • 24-25 September 2019 – Brussels, Belgium
    • 5th EFSA’s Stakeholder Bureau meeting
    • Meeting with MEP Pascal Canfin
    • Meetings with DG SANTE representatives
    • Interview with Politico
    • Interview with Maasedun Tulevaisuus
  • 18-19 September 2019 – Helsinki, Finland
    • 73rd Meeting of the EFSA’s Advisory Forum
  • 9-11 September 2019 – Ottawa, Canada
    • Meeting with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency – CFIA
    • Meeting with the Health Canada
    • Meeting with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    • Meeting with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency
  • 4-6 September 2019 – Washington, United States of America
    • Meeting with Mr van Nieuwkoop- Global Director for Food and Agriculture at the World Bank
    • Meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration – FDA
    • Meeting with the U.S. Department of Agriculture - USDA
    • Symposium on “Future Challenges in Food Safety” co-hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    • Meeting with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - EPA
  • 21-22 August 2019 – Dublin, Ireland
    • FSAI Science Conference 2019 “The Science of Food Safety – What’s our Future?”
  • 03-04 July 2019 – Reykjavik, Iceland
    • 72nd Plenary Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 02 July 2019 – Lausanne, Switzerland
    • World conference of Scientific Journalism
  • 28 June 2019 – Brussels, Belgium
    • High Level Conference "EU Chemicals policy 2030: building on the past, moving to the future"
  • 21 June 2019 – FAO, Rome
    • The African Union-European Union Agriculture Ministerial conference
    • Interview with Reuters
  • 19-20 June 2019 – EFSA premises
    • Meeting with a delegation from the African Union
  • 18-19 June 2019 – EFSA premises
    • 81st Meeting of the EFSA’s Management Board
  • 11 June 2019 - EFSA premises
    • Meeting Citizens for Science in Pesticide Regulation
  • 24 May 2019 - Lyon
    • Interview with Euronews
    • Meeting with IARC senior management
  • 15 May 2019 - Brussels
    • Interview with Euractiv
    • Meeting with Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General of DG Environment
    • Meeting with Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General of DG Research and Innovation
  • 14 May 2019 - Brussels
    • Meeting with Anne Bucher, Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety
  • 14 May 2019 - Brussels
    • Interview with El Mundo
  • 14 May 2019 - Brussels
    • 4th Meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Bureau
  • 03 May 2019 - Florence
    • State of the Union
  • 12 April 2019 – Helsinki
    • EFSA-ECHA Strategy Workshop
  • 03-04 April 2019 – Bucharest
    • 71st Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 02 April 2019 – Bucharest
    • Meeting with competent authorities/visit to NSVFSA headquarters
  • 21 March 2019 – Wiesbaden
    • 32. German Food Law Day - Food law in the EU: between renationalisation and harmonisation
  • 19-20 March 2019 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 80th Meeting of the EFSA’s Management Board
  • 11 March 2019 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with Mr Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of COPA COGECA
  • 8 March 2019 – Brussels
    • DG SANTE Inter-Agency meeting
  • 6 March 2019 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Visit of Mr Frank Carruet, Ambassador of Belgium to Italy and the UN
  • 27 February 2019 - Ispra
    • Visit to JRC
  • 19 February 2019 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • EFSA/SANTE Senior management meeting
  • 12-13 February 2019 - Brussels
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 18 January 2019– Geneva
    • EFSA and SANTE visit to WHO
  • 17 January 2019 - Brussels
    • DG RTD workshop "A robust science and innovation environment for food safety systems of the future”
  • 11-12 December 2018 –EFSA premises, Parma
    • 79th meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 28-29 November 2018 –Vienna
    • 70th plenary meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 20 November 2018 – Brussels
    • Meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Forum
  • 19 November 2018 –Brussels
    • Meeting with Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General of the Directorate General for Research and Innovation
    • Meeting with Anne Bucher, Director General of the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
  • 25 October 2018 – Bern
    • Meeting with Alain Berset, President of the Swiss Confederation
    • Meeting with the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office - FSVO
  • 23 October 2018 –Madrid
    • Meeting with Maria Luisa Carcedo, Spanish Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare 
    • Institutional meeting between EFSA and the Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare
    • Interview with El Pais
  • 18 October 2018 – Brussels
    • Hearing in front of the ENVI Committee, European Parliament
  • 17 October 2018 – Brussels
    • 3rd Meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Bureau
  • 16-17 October 2018 – Brussels
    • Meetings with representatives of the European Commission
    • Meetings with representatives of the European Parliament
  • 12 October 2018 – Berlin
    • 11. Sitzung der Leitungsgruppe Forschung (LGF) - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
  • 09-10 October 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 78th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 08 October 2018 –Vienna
    • Food Borne Outbreak – Cross Border Outbreak Investigation conference
  • 18-21 September 2018 – Parma
    • EFSA conference 2018 – Science, Food, Society
  • 17 September 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 69th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 14 September 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Signature of a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
  • 13 September 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with a delegation from the Joint Research Centre
  • 07 September 2018 – Brussels
    • Meeting of the Ad-hoc Working Party on General Food Law, Council of the European Union Meetings with European Commission representatives
  • 30 August 2018 – Brussels
    • Meeting of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament
  • 09 July 2018 – Brussels 
    • Exchange of Views with the AGRI Committee, European Parliament
  • 08 July 2018 – Toulouse
    • 5th European Conference of Science Journalists
  • 26-27 June 2018 – Brussels
    • Signature of the Memorandum of Cooperation EFSA-JRC
    • Thematic debate “The current and evolving role of EFSA: addressing civil society’s and citizens’ concerns on food safety” – European Economic and Social Committee – NAT section
    • Meetings with Members of the European Parliament
    • Meetings with European Commission representatives
  • 19-20 June 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma 
    • 77th meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 13 June 2018 – Brussels 
    • EFSA’s Roundtable with industry associations
  • 12 June 2018 – Brussels 
    • Meeting with DG SANTE Senior Management
  • 11 June 2018 – Paris
    • Visit to the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES)
  • 07 June 2018 – Brussels 
    • EP PEST Committee public hearing “EU authorisation procedure for pesticides – EFSA opinion on draft assessment reports and ECHA classification of active substances
  • 06 June 2018 – Brussels 
    • Meeting with MEP Renate Sommer
  • 15 May 2018 – Rome, Italy
    • Visit to FAO
    • Visit to ISS – Istituto Superiore di Sanità
  • 14 May 2018 –Rome, Italy
    • SETAC Europe 28th Annual meeting
  • 07-08 May 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Visit of a delegation from the EP PEST Committee
  • 03-04 May 2018 – Berlin
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Food Safety Agencies
  • 18 April 2018 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Second meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Bureau
  • 12 April 2018 – European Parliament, Brussels
    • Exchange of views with the EP Special Committee on the Union’s authorisation procedure for pesticides
  • 20-21 March 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 76th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 16 March 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with Nathalie Loiseau, French Minister for European Affairs and Brune Poirson, Minister of State, attached to the Ministre d’Etat of the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition
  • 15 March 2018 – European Parliament, Strasbourg, France
    • Meeting with MEP Eric Andrieu
    • Exchange of views with the STOA Panel
  • 28 February-1 March 2018 – Warsaw, Poland
    • EUAN Troika Handover Ceremony EFSA-FRONTEX-ECDC
  • 21-22 February 2018 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Network of Heads of EU Agencies meeting
  • 21 February 2018 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with Commissioner Günther Oettinger
  • 6-7 February 2018 - Utrecht, The Netherlands
    • 67th meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
    • Risk Assessment Research Assembly
  • 31 January 2018 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with MEP Indrek Tarand
  • 24-25 January 2018 – Paris, France
    • Meeting with Mr Leon Delvaux, Trade and Development Adviser, Cabinet President Juncker, European Commission
    • Meeting with Riccardo Maggi, member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Timmermans, European Commission
    • Meeting with Marika Lautso-Mousnier, Expert Cabinet Commissioner Katainen, European Commission
    • Meeting with MEP Susanne Melior, European Parliament
  • 24 January 2018 – Paris, France
    • Interview with Le Monde
  • 23 January 2018 – Paris, France
    • Meeting with Mrs Anne de Bayser, Deputy Secretary General of the French President, Elysée
    • Meeting with Mr Stéphane Travert, French Minister of Agriculture and Food
  • 22 January 2018 – Brussels, Belgium
    • CONT Committee Discharge hearing of EU Agencies, European Parliament
  • 16-17 January 2018 - Brussels, Belgium
    • EU Agencies/Joint Undertakings 2016 hearing with Council’s Budget Committee
    • Handover meeting EFSA-FRONTEX at the European Commission
  • 18-19 December 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Visit of a delegation from the ENVI Committee to EFSA
  • 15 December 2017 – Rome, Italy
    • International conference “The burden of mycotoxins on animal and human health”
  • 14 December 2017 – Rome, Italy
    • Meeting with Minister of Health, Mrs. Beatrice Lorenzin
    • Meeting with Ministry of Health and ISS Directors
    • Meeting with Art. 36 organizations
  • 11-12 December 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 75th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 5-6 December 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 66th Meeting of the EFSA’s Advisory Forum
  • 29 November 2017 - Berlin, Germany
    • BfR 15 Years Anniversary
  • 27 November 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • 15 years Anniversary of the General Food Law
  • 22-23 November 2017 – AGES premises, Austria
    • Networking event on Scientific Cooperation
    • AGES Stakeholders Dialogue
  • 20-21 November 2017 – Ljubljana, Slovenia
    • Meeting with Slovenian Minister of Health, Mrs. Milojka Kolar Celarc
    • Meeting with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MKGP), National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), UVHVVR, MKGP and NLZOH
    • Roundtable Scientific Cooperation - the road ahead
  • 14 November 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with Parma City Council
  • 10 November 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with Directors’ Consultation Group (DCG)
  • 08 November 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with DG SANTE Senior Management
  • 30 October-3 November 2017 – Beijing, People’s Republic of China
    • China International Food Safety and Quality conference
  • 20 October 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with Joint ENVI/AGRI delegation of S&D Members of the European Parliament
  • 18 October 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • European Ombudsman Conference “EU Agencies – how to manage the risk of reputational damage”
    • European Parliament Inter-Institutional working group on Agencies’ resources
  • 10-11 October 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • 74th meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 03-04 October 2017 – Tallinn, Estonia
    • 65th Plenary of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 02 October 2017 – Tallinn, Estonia
    • Meeting with Indrek Halliste, Director General of the Veterinary and Food Board
    • Meeting with Olev Kalda, Estonian CVO
    • Hearing at the Estonian Parliament “Rural Affairs”, “Environment” and “Social Affairs” committees and meeting with stakeholders
  • 29 September 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with HRH The Prince Carlos Javier Bernardo de Bourbon de Parme
  • 25 September 2017 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament
  • 19-21 September 2017 – Brussels
    • Stakeholder Bureau meeting
    • Meetings with DG SANTE representatives
    • TARN Dialogue event
  • 13 September 2017 – Prague, Czech Republic
    • 32nd Meeting of the EFSA Focal Point Network
  • 12 September 2017 – Prague, Czech Republic
    • Meeting with Marian Jurečka, Minister of Agriculture and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
    • Meeting with Art. 36 and scientific networks representatives of the Czech Republic
  • 26-29 August 2017 - Alpbach
    • European Forum Alpbach
  • 14 July 2017 – EFSA premises
    • Meeting with Mr Jason Feeney, Chief Executive of Food Standards Agency (FSA)
  • 10-11 July 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with European Commission representatives
    • BUDG Committee hearing on EU decentralised Agencies
    • Meeting with MEP Michèle Rivasi
  • 05-07 July 2017 – EFSA premises
    • Meeting of the Head of EU Agencies
  • 03 July 2017 – EFSA premises
    • Meeting with Dr. Ulrich Herzog, Austrian Chief Veterinary Officer
  • 26-28 June 2017 – Poland
    • Meeting with Mr Konstanty Radziwill, Minister of Health, Mr Zbigniew Król, Deputy Minister of Health, Mr Marek Posobkiewicz, Chief Sanitary Inspector and officials – Warsaw
    • Meeting with Art. 36 organisations, staff of the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (NIZP-PZH) and representatives of sanitary-epidemiological stations – Warsaw
    • Conference “The Control of animal infectious disease/zoonoses and food/feed safety” at the National Veterinary Research Institute (PiWET) – Pulawy
    • Meeting with candidate institutes Art. 36 at the Institute of New Chemical Synthesis (INSCH) – Pulawy
  • 22 June 2017 – EFSA premises
    • Annual Roundtable with Industry Associations
  • 20-21 June 2017 – EFSA premises
    • 73rd Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 12 June 2017 – European Commission, Brussels
    • Meeting with the Director General of IAS, Mr Manfred Kraff
  • 08-09 June 2017 – EFSA premises
    • 64th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 01 June 2017 – Vienna, Austria
    • AESGP 53rd Annual Meeting
  • 30-31 May 2017 – EFSA premises
    • First Meeting of EFSA Stakeholder Forum
  • 23 May 2017 – Oslo, Norway
    • Meeting of the Heads of European Food Safety Agencies
  • 15 May 2017 – Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST), Matìs and Directorate of Health of the Ministry of Welfare
    • Conference Combating Antimicrobial Resistance
  • 11-12 May 2017 – EFSA premises
    • Meeting with Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety
  • 08 May 2017 – Parma
    • Meeting with Ambassador Maurizio Massari, Permanent Representative of Italy to the EU
  • 04 May 2017 – European Parliament, Brussels
    • Exchange of views with ENVI Committee
  • 03 May 2017 – European Commission, Brussels
    • Meeting with DG SANTE Senior Management
  • 24 - 28 April 2017 – Tokyo, Japan
    • Meeting with EU Ambassador Viorel Isticioaia-Budura
    • Trilateral EFSA-BfR-ANSES
    • Meeting with Minister Jun Matsumoto
    • Fifth Meeting with the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ)
    • Joint FSCJ-EFSA International Conference “What does the future hold for international scientific cooperation for food safety?”
  • 11 April 2017 – European Parliament, Brussels
    • Exchange of views with AGRI Committee
  • 04 - 05 April 2017 – Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Meeting with RACFCH Senior and Experts’ staff
    • Meeting with Prof. Dr. Hristo Bozukov, Minister of Agriculture
    • Meeting with Bulgarian scientific organizations under EFSA’s Art. 36 list
  • 28 March 2017 – Berlin, Germany
    • International Bee conference
  • 27 March 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • IIWG2 Meeting at the European Parliament
  • 21-22 March 2017 – EFSA premises
    • 72nd Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 13 March 2017 – EFSA premises
    • Handover meeting of the Coordination of the EU Agencies Network with EUIPO and EUROFOUND
  • 07-08 March 2017 –La Valletta, Malta
    • 63rd Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 6 March 2017 –La Valletta, Malta
    • Meeting with Hon. Christopher Fearne, Minister of Health
    • Meeting with Maltese Food Safety Commission (FSC) and art. 36 organisations
  • 1 March 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 28 February 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with ENVI Committee Chair, MEP Adina-Ioana VĂLEAN – European Parliament
    • Meeting with Greenpeace and Corporate Europe Observatory
  • 24-25 January 2017 – Brussels, Belgium
    • CONT Committee Hearing of the EU Agencies – European Parliament
    • Meeting with European Commission representatives
  • 16 January 2017 – Parma, Italy
    • Working lunch with Italian Undersecretary Mr. Sandro Gozi
  • 8-9 December 2016 – EFSA premises
    • 71st meeting of the EFSA Management Board
    • 62nd meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 6-7 December 2016 –Brussels, Belgium
    • EU Agencies Forum, European Parliament
  • 23 November 2016 –Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with representatives of Industry Associations: FoodDrinkEurope, European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, EuropaBio, European Crop Protection Association
    • Meeting with representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations: Testbiotech, Greenpeace, Corporate Europe Observatory
  • 22 November 2016 –Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with DG SANTE Senior Management
  • 10-11 November 2016 –Budapest, Hungary
    • Meeting with Róbert Zsigó, State Secretary and Lajos Bognár, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture
    • Meeting with representatives of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH)
    • Conference “Science-based food chain safety: our common interest”
  • 8 November 2016 –Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with representatives of DG SANTE
    • Working Party of the Chief Veterinary Officers
  • 2-3 November 2016 –Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
    • 10th annual China International Food Safety and Quality Conference
    • BfR Seminar “Current risk assessment of Global Food Chains”
    • Joint EC-EFSA seminar “Priorities in food safety 2016-2020”
  • 1 November 2016 –Beijing, People’s Republic of China
    • Meeting with representatives of the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) and signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation
    • Meeting with representatives of the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA)
  • 19-21 October 2016 – EUIPO, Alicante
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 13 October 2016 – Stockholm, Sweden
    • Meeting with ECDC Senior Management
  • 13 October 2016 – Uppsala, Sweden
    • Meeting with Swedish Focal Point, members of EFSA scientific networks and representatives of article 36 organisations
  • 12 October 2016 – Uppsala, Sweden
    • Meeting with Elisabeth Backteman, State Secretary, Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
    • Meeting with National Food Agency (NFA) and National veterinary Institute (SVA)
  • 11 October 2016 – Helsinki, Finland
    • EVIRA 10th and Finnish Risk Assessment 15th Anniversary Seminar
  • 4-5 October 2016 – EFSA premises, Parma
    • Meeting with ECHA Senior Management
    • 11 October 2016 – Helsinki, Finland
    • 70th meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 30 September 2016 –Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)
  • 29 September 2016 –Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with MEPs Heidi HAUTALA, Bart STAES, Michèle RIVASI, Benedek JÁVOR
    • Meeting with Corporate Europe Observatory Bilateral
    • Meeting with Xavier Prats Monné, Director General, DG SANTE
    • Conference Science and policy making: towards a new dialogue
  • 28 September 2016 –Bratislava, Slovak Republic
    • 61st meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 27 September 2016 –Bratislava, Slovak Republic
    • Meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, experts and competent authorities
  • 29 August-1 September 2016 – Taipei, Taiwan
    • Taiwan International Food Safety Summit
  • 11 July 2016, Maisons-Alfort, Paris, France
    • Meeting with Mr Roger Genet, Director General of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES)
  • 28 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with representatives of the Federal Public Services for Public Health, Food Chain, Safety and Environment
  • 27 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Annual Roundtable with industry associations
  • 14-15 June 2016, EFSA premises, Italy
    • 69th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 08-09 June 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    • 60th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 06-07 June 2016, The Netherlands
    • Meetings with RIKILT, NVWA and RIVM representatives
  • 31 May-1 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • 30th Meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Consultative Platform
  • 31 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Interview with Politico
  • 25 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 24 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Meetings with DG SANTE representatives
    • Meeting with MEP Martin Häusling
    • Meeting with MEP José Bové
  • 28 April 2016, Parma, EFSA premises
    • Visit of Vytenis Andriukaitis, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
  • 14 April 2016, Athens, Greece
    • Meeting with representatives of the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET)
    • Meeting with the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr Evangelos Apostolou
    • Meeting with SVET (Federation of Hellenic Food Industries)
  • 7-8 April 2016, Oslo, Norway
    • Conference “Safe Food – Our responsibility”
    • Meeting with the Minister of Health and care Services, Mr Bent Høie
    • Meeting with representatives from the Ministry of Health and Care Services, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Climate and Environment Work sessions with the Norwegian Scientific Committee for
    • Food Safety (VKM), the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, the Norwegian Environmental Agency , the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • 18 March 2016, Elsinore, Denmark
    • Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 2016 Annual conference
  • 17 March 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Meeting with representatives of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
    • Meeting with representatives of the DTU National Food Institute
  • 15-16 March 2016, Parma, EFSA premises
    • 68th Meeting of the EFSA Management Board
  • 8-9 March 2016, Parma, EFSA premises
    • 59th Meeting of the EFSA Advisory Forum
  • 4 March 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis
  • 3 March 2016, Alicante, Spain
    • Handover meeting of the Coordination of the EU Agencies Network with EUROFOUND and OHIM
  • 18 February 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting of the Heads of EU Agencies
  • 17 February 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Bilateral meeting with Xavier Prats Monne, Director General, DG SANTE
    • Bilateral meeting with Michael Scannell, DG SANTE
    • Exchange of views with the ENVI Committee, European Parliament
  • 15-16 January 2016, Berlin
    • International Green Week
  • 14-15 January 2016, Berlin
    • Global Forum for Food and Agriculture
  • 14 January 2016, Berlin
    • Meeting with the Federation of German consumer organisations (VZBV)
    • Meeting with Foodwatch
  • 13 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • 29th meeting of the EFSA Stakeholder Consultative Platform
  • 12 January 2016, Brussels, Belgium
    • Meeting with European Environmental Bureau
    • Meeting with Friends of the Earth Europe

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