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Public consultation on EFSA’s Draft Science Strategy 2012-2016

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In line with its policy on openness and transparency, The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has launched an online public consultation on its Draft Science Strategy 2012-2016. The document explains the scientific contribution EFSA will make to the European food safety system over the next five years, laying down strategic objectives to further drive scientific excellence and quality and optimise risk assessment capacity across the EU.

Those interested in contributing to the public consultation are invited to submit written comments by 21 November 2011. Please use exclusively the electronic template provided below to submit comments and refer to the line and page numbers in the document. Please note that comments submitted by e-mail or by post cannot be taken into account and that a submission will not be considered if it is:

  • submitted after the deadline set out in the call
  • presented in any form other than what is provided for in the instructions and template
  • not related to the contents of the document
  • contains complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material
  • is related to policy or risk management aspects, which is out of the scope of EFSA's activity.

EFSA will assess all comments from interested parties which are submitted in line with the criteria above. Where appropriate, feedback from the consultation will be incorporated into a revised draft of the Science Strategy to be presented to the EFSA Management Board for possible adoption before the end of 2011.
