EFSA’s conclusions on BPA are explained in a draft scientific opinion that is open for public consultation until 22 February 2022 (new extended deadline).
Campylobacteriosis was the most reported zoonosis in the EU in 2020, with 120,946 cases compared to more than 220,000 the previous year.
Data visualization
The EFSA dashboard on foodborne outbreaks is a graphical user interface that allows for searching and querying the large amount of data on foodborne outbreaks collected by EFSA from the European Union
The parallel consultations on glyphosate held by EFSA and ECHA have closed. A total of 416 submissions were received from within and outside the EU during the two-month consultation period.
EFSA has completed its assessments of emergency authorisations granted by 11 EU Member States for the use of neonicotinoid-based insecticides on sugar beet in 2020 and 2021.
Nutritionists and other experts can help EFSA finalise scientific advice that will support decision-makers develop a future EU-wide system of front-of-pack nutrition labelling. Deadline for comments...
Discover in this infographic the engagement windows in the life cycle of a mandate.