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Data sources on animal diseases:Country Card of Romania

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Mapping the ‘data sources’ on animal diseases, in each European Union (EU) Member State and, since 2020, in Pre‐accession countries, is one of the activities of EFSA's SIGMA1, 2, 3 project. The aim of this activity is to identify the central competent authorities responsible for managing the data on animal diseases and animal populations in these countries. At present, EFSA is focusing on three diseases that are currently under assessment at the request of the European Commission: African swine fever, avian influenza and lumpy skin disease; and on the corresponding affected animal populations: swine, poultry and bovines, respectively. This technical report presents the results of the implementation of the above activity for Romania and provides information on the authorities which constitute the data sources on animal diseases within the country. It also includes the ‘Country Card’, that depicts the central competent authorities responsible for the data on animal diseases (data on outbreaks, surveillance activities and laboratory results) and on animal populations (bovines, swine, poultry) in Romania. It has been generated based on the replies submitted by Romania via the EUSurvey questionnaire and on the clarifications provided subsequently. The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority in Romania; the General Directorate for Official Controls ‐ Service for the Identification and Registration of Animals; the General Directorate for Animal Health and Welfare ‐ Service for Control of Diseases within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development are the central sources of data related to animal diseases and to animal populations in Romania. Within this authority, different divisions and departments are involved with different types of data.

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