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EFSA Scientific Colloquium N°1: Methodologies and principles for setting tolerable intake levels for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCB’s

Recent assessments of the risks to human health from dioxins and PCBs were performed by WHO (1998), EC Scientific Committee on Food, (SCF 2000 and 2001), WHO/FAO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA, 2002) and by various national authorities all over the world.

However there are some differences in approaches used by various authorities for the assessment of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds to human health risk including extrapolation from effects in the observable high dose range to background dietary exposure.

To analyse and discuss these differences and to update the state-of-the-science and its potential impact on setting tolerable intake levels, EFSA organised its first Scientific Colloquium on 28-29 June 2004 in Belgium. About 60 experts representing relevant expertise in the field participated in an interactive exchange of expert views. After a number of introductory presentations participants split up into small discussion groups to discuss the some of the specifics in more detail.

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