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Sredstva za zaštitu bilja i njihovi ostatci

Povjerenstvo za sredstva za zaštitu bilja i njihove ostatke (PPR) daje znanstvene savjete o procjeni rizika od pesticida za gospodarske subjekte, radnike, potrošače i okoliš. Povjerenstvo razvija i pregledava smjernice o procjeni rizika od pesticida. Tim se radom podržava procjenu djelatnih tvari upotrijebljenih u pesticidima koju provode države članice izvjestiteljice i istorazinsko ocjenjivanje koje provodi osoblje EFSA-e.

Članovi povjerenstva za PPR znanstvenici su iz cijele Europe sa znanjem i iskustvom u sljedećim područjima:

  • djelatne tvari – kemijske i mikrobiološke (virusi, bakterije, gljivice itd.)
  • fizičko-kemijska svojstva (sredstava za zaštitu bilja i njihovih djelatnih tvari)
  • metode analize (sredstava za zaštitu bilja i njihovih ostataka)
  • toksikologija i regulatorna toksikologija
  • neprehrambena izloženost i procjena rizika (sredstava za zaštitu bilja)
  • prehrambena izloženost i procjena rizika (ostataka sredstava za zaštitu bilja u hrani i hrani za životinje)
  • sudbina u okolišu i ponašanje (sredstava za zaštitu bilja)
  • ekotoksikologija
  • ekologija i dinamika populacije
  • ekološka izloženost / izloženost okoliša i procjena rizika.

Članovi povjerenstva

Članovi povjerenstva za PPR, 2018. – 2024.

Sastav panela i izjave o interesima.

Prethodni članovi povjerenstva

2015. – 2018.

Predsjednik: Colin Ockleford
Potpredsjednik: Theodorus Brock; Susanne Hougaard
Članovi: Paulien Adriaanse; Philippe Berny; Sabine Duquesne; Sandro Grilli; Antonio F. Hernandez-Jerez; Michael Klein; Thomas Kuhl; Ryszard Laskowski; Kyriaki Machera; Olavi Pelkonen; Silvia Pieper; Rob Smith; Michael Stemmer; Ingvar Sundh; Ivana Teodorovic; Aaldrik Tiktak; Christopher John Topping; Gerrit Wolterink

2012. – 2015.

Predsjednik: Bernadette Ossendorp 
Potpredsjednik: Theodorus Brock; Susanne Hougaard Bennekou
Članovi: Alf Aagaard; Ettore Capri; Sabine Duquesne; Metka Filipic; Antonio F. Hernandez-Jerez; Karen Ildico Hirsch-Ernst; Michael Klein; Thomas Kuhl; Ryszard Laskowski; Matthias Liess; Alberto Mantovani; Colin Ockleford; Daniel Pickford, do srpnja 2014.; Robert Smith; Paulo Sousa; Ingvar Sundh; Aaldrik Tiktak; Ton Van Der Linden

2009. – 2012.

Predsjednik: Anthony Hardy
Potpredsjednik: Robert Luttik; Angelo Moretto, do 20. 1. 2011.; Susanne Hougaard Bennekou, od 21. 9. 2011.
Članovi: Anne Alix, do 13. 4. 2010.; Jos Boesten; Claudia Bolognesi; Theodorus Brock, od 15. 1. 2010.; Ettore Capri; Michael Klein, od 12. 5. 2010.; Andrew Hart; Karen Ildico Hirsch-Ernst; Kyriaki Machera, od 2. 4. 2011.; Bernadette Ossendorp; Annette Petersen; Yolanda Pico; Andreas Schaeffer; Paulo Sousa; Walter Steurbaut; Anita Strömberg; Maria Tasheva; Ton Van Der Linden; Christiane Vleminckx

Izjave o interesima i životopisi gore navedenih članova povjerenstva dostupni su na interestmanagement [at] (zahtjev).

Sastanci stručnjaka za istorazinsko ocjenjivanje pesticida

Odjel za istorazinsko ocjenjivanje pesticida održava stručno savjetovanje o znanstvenim i tehničkim problemima povezanima s istorazinskom ocjenom tvari. U njemu sudjeluju znanstveni stručnjaci koje imenuju države članice. Ti stručnjaci predstavljaju sljedeće organizacije:

Organizacije država članica

  • Austrijska agencija za zdravlje i sigurnost hrane (Austrija)
  • Savezna javna služba za zdravstvo, sigurnost prehrambenog lanca i okoliš (Belgija)
  • Znanstveni institut za javno zdravstvo (Belgija)
  • Sciensano (Belgija)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, hrane i šumarstva, Centar za procjenu rizika u prehrambenom lancu (Bugarska)
  • Bugarska agencija za sigurnost hrane (Bugarska)
  • Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu (Hrvatska)
  • Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada (Hrvatska)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, prirodnih resursa i okoliša (Cipar)
  • Središnji institut za nadzor i testiranja u poljoprivredi (Češka)
  • Nacionalni institut za javno zdravstvo (Češka)
  • Ministarstvo okoliša i prehrane Kraljevine Danske, Agencija za zaštitu okoliša (Danska)
  • Estonski odbor za poljoprivredu (Estonija)
  • Finska agencija za sigurnost i kemikalije (Finska)
  • Nacionalna agencija za zdravstvenu sigurnost u području prehrane, okoliša i rada (Francuska)
  • Francusko ministarstvo poljoprivrede i hrane (Francuska)
  • Savezna agencija za zaštitu okoliša (Njemačka)
  • Savezni ured za zaštitu potrošača i sigurnost hrane (Njemačka)
  • Institut Julius Kühn (Njemačka)
  • Savezni institut za procjenu rizika (Njemačka)
  • Fitopatološki institut Benaki (Grčka)
  • Ministarstvo ruralnog razvoja i hrane (Grčka)
  • Nacionalni ured za sigurnost prehrambenog lanca (Mađarska)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, prehrane i pomorstva, Odjeli za registraciju i nadzor pesticida (Irska)
  • Ministarstvo zdravstva (Italija)
  • Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italija)
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italija)
  • ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco (Italija)
  • Università degli Studi di Milano (Italija)
  • Državna služba za zaštitu bilja (Latvija)
  • Državna služba za zaštitu bilja u okviru Ministarstva poljoprivrede (Litva)
  • Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture (Luksemburg)
  • Odbor za odobrenje za sredstva za zaštitu bilja i biocide (Nizozemska)
  • Tijelo nadležno za sigurnost namirnica i proizvoda za potrošnju, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, zaštite okoliša i kvalitete hrane (Nizozemska)
  • Norveška agencija za sigurnost hrane (Norveška)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja (Poljska)
  • Nacionalni institut za javno zdravstvo – Nacionalni institut za higijenu (Poljska)
  • Institut za zaštitu okoliša – Nacionalni istraživački institut (Poljska)
  • Direcção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (Portugal)
  • Nacionalni institut za javno zdravstvo (Rumunjska)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja (Rumunjska)
  • Nacionalni institut za istraživanje i razvoj u zaštiti okoliša (Rumunjska)
  • Ministarstvo za zaštitu okoliša, Nacionalna agencija za zaštitu okoliša (Rumunjska)
  • Ministarstvo za zaštitu okoliša Slovačke Republike, Slovački hidrometeorološki institut (Slovačka)
  • Tijelo Slovačke Republike nadležno za javno zdravstvo (Slovačka)
  • Središnji ured za kontrolu i testiranja u poljoprivredi (Slovačka)
  • Institut za istraživanje voda (Slovačka)
  • Sveučilište veterinarske medicine i farmacije u Košicama (Slovačka)
  • Institut za pčelarstvo (Slovačka)
  • Poljoprivredni institut Slovenije (Slovenija)
  • Nacionalni institut za javno zdravstvo (Slovenija)
  • Slovenski institut za hmeljarstvo i pivarstvo (Slovenija)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i zaštite okoliša, Administracija Republike Slovenije za sigurnost hrane, veterinarski sektor i zaštitu bilja (Slovenija)
  • Švedska agencija za hranu (Švedska)
  • Švedska agencija za kemikalije (Švedska)

U skladu s Odlukom izvršnog direktora Europske agencija za sigurnost hrane o upravljanju suprotstavljenim interesima podnošenje godišnje izjave o interesima (ADoI) obvezno je za vladine stručnjake za istorazinsko ocjenjivanje.

Stručna savjetovanja podijeljena su u sljedeće skupine (svakim savjetovanjem obuhvaćen je izbor stručnjaka s odgovarajućeg popisa članova):

Fizička i kemijska svojstva

Toksikologija sisavaca

Za zapisnike koji su povezani sa svojstvima endokrinih disruptora pogledajte zapisnike sa sastanka u odjeljku Ekotoksikologija.


Sudbina i ponašanje


Za zapisnike koji su povezani sa svojstvima endokrinih disruptora pogledajte zapisnike sa sastanka u odjeljku Toksikologija sisavaca.


Datumi i nacrti rasprava

Planirani sastanci o istorazinskom ocjenjivanju pesticida u 2022.

Sastanci u 2022.:

Prethodni sastanci:


What are EFSA's networks?

EFSA’s networks consist of nationally appointed EU Member State organisations with expertise in the fields covered by the network. Representatives of the Commission and of other organisations (including those from outside the EU) with specific expertise may also be invited to participate in the work of EFSA Networks.

Networks are chaired by EFSA and supported by relevant EFSA units. Their aim is to facilitate scientific cooperation in the field of EFSA’s mission by:

Pesticide Steering Committee sub working group Bee Calculator

The members of the PSC sub working group Bee Calculator were nominated by the Member States participating in the PSC.

Pesticide Steering Committee sub working group MRL procedures

The members of the PSC sub working group MRL procedures were nominated by the Member States participating in the PSC.

Pesticide Steering Committee sub working group Risk Assessment on Bees

The members of the PSC sub working group Risk Assessment on Bees were nominated by the Member States participating in the PSC.

Pesticide Steering Network (PSN)

In September 2008, EFSA set up the Pesticide Steering Network. It was established to manage and plan the overall pesticide risk assessment and consider ways to further streamline the process. The main goals of the network are to:

  • plan and monitor the risk assessment process;
  • integrate the risk assessment and MRL setting processes;
  • coordinate with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA);
  • give advice on the prioritisation in the development and the updating of risk assessment guidance documents.

Pesticide Steering Network on consultation for the corrigendum of the Aquatic Guidance Document (EFSA PPR Panel, 2013)

The members of the Pesticide Steering Network on consultation for the corrigendum of the Aquatic Guidance Document (EFSA PPR Panel, 2013) were nominated by the Member States participating in the PSN, including two participants on behalf of EFSA PPR panel.

Pesticide Steering Network on consultation on Draft Guidance of the PPR Panel on Residue Definition for Dietary Risk Assessment

The members of the Pesticide Steering Network on consultation on Draft Guidance of the PPR Panel on Residue Definition for Dietary Risk Assessment were nominated by the Member States participating in the PSN, including a participant on behalf of EFSA PPR panel.

Pesticide Steering Network sub working group IUCLID HYPERCARE

The members of the PSN sub working group IUCLID HYPERCARE were nominated by the Member States participating in the PSN and by the applicants owners of the substances included within the scope of the EFSA IUCLID HYPERCARE programme.

Pesticide Steering Network – IUCLID sub-group

Working groups

Azole-resistant Aspergillus – risk factors, prevention and control


Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA) of pesticides

Developing IATA case studies on Developmental Neurotoxicity

Effect models in environmental risk assessment

Endocrine Disruptors

Historical Control Data

Microbial pesticides

Toxicological properties and MRL of acetamiprid and its metabolites

Update of OPEX Guidance and calculator

Closed working groups

Acetamiprid and flupyradifurone

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Adverse Outcome Pathways AOP

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Aged Soil Adsorption

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Amphibian reptile opinion

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Aquatic ecotoxicology

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Bee Guidance Revision

Bee risk assessment

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BEEHAVE evaluation

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Consultation Group on endocrine disruption guidance

  • EFSA has invited members of the Consultation Group to submit declarations of interest but, with the exception of stakeholder experts acting in a personal capacity, members are not obliged to do so.
    For a full list of EFSA Member State and stakeholder experts taking part in the Consultation Group, please see here.
No meetings held

Coverage of bats by the current pesticide risk assessment for birds and mammals

Meetings: minutes last updated:

Cumulative assessment groups (CAGs) for nervous system and thyroid and uncertainty analysis

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Cumulative assessment groups of pesticides

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Dermal absorption guidance

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Developing an EFSA guidance document for evaluating laboratory and field dissipation studies to obtain DegT50 values

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Developing an EFSA guidance document for predicting environmental concentrations of substances in soil

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Developing an EFSA guidance document on clustering and ranking of emissions of plant protection products from protected crops

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Developmental neurotoxicity of acetamiprid and imidacloprid

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EFSA working group on dermal absorption guidance

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Epidemiological studies in pesticide risk assessment

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European Commission request to assess new scientific studies on dermal absorption

Available soon

Experimental toxicology data of pesticides and their potential link to Parkinson's disease and childhood leukaemia

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FOCUS surface water repair action

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Glyphosate Peer Review - Renewal Assessment

Good modelling practice

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Groundwater Monitoring studies

In vitro metabolism

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Joint ECHA/EC-JRC/EFSA taskforce on endocrine disruption guidance

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Non-target arthropods and in-soil risk assessment - In soil

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Non-target arthropods and in-soil risk assessment - NTA

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Non-target terrestrial plant risk assessment

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Operator, worker, resident and bystander exposure guidance

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OPEX Guidance

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Pesticides in foods for infants and young children

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Preparing a scientific opinion on the FERA guidance proposal guidance on how aged sorption studies for pesticides should be conducted, analysed and used in regulatory assessments

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Preparing two scientific opinions on the report of FOCUS ground water (2009)

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Probabilistic methodology mandate

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Pseudomonas chlororaphis

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Pyrethroid common metabolites

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Relevance of dissimilar mode of action for cumulative risk assessment

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Revision of the EFSA (2009) Guidance Document Risk assessment for Birds and Mammals

Scientific guidance on residue definition

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Sediment effect assessment

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Setting of health based reference values for metabolites of terbuthylazine

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TK/TD and simple food chain models for aquatic organisms

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Toxicological relevance of pesticide metabolites

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Transition metals

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