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Ad Hoc meeting with industry representatives

The ad hoc meeting with industry representatives (GMO applicants) was organized by EFSA on the 8th of April 2024; the meeting was the first one for 2024. The meeting was held remotely.

The following points were discussed:

  1. Administrative and procedural issues. EFSA provided an overview of the progress on the risk assessment of applications in the GMO area and some recommendations on how to reply to requests for information (RFI). EFSA clarified certain aspects regarding the use of letters of access (LoA) in GMO dossiers and the Notification of Studies (NoS) requirements. Moreover, a communication on the adjustment of the script supporting the Technical Note on the quality of DNA sequencing for the molecular characterisation of genetically modified plants was made.
  2. Protein safety. EFSA and CropLife Europe (CLE) gave presentations on the topic of protein safety risk assessment. Scientific literature was taken into consideration and further questions regarding a stepwise approach in the protein safety assessment were discussed continuing the discussion initiated in 2023.
  3. Bioinformatics and TOX 90-day data submission proposal. EFSA highlighted the need to have a harmonised data structure for the bioinformatics and TOX 90-day studies submission. The proposed submission data structures were presented and discussed.
  4. RNAi update. EFSA provided an update of the ongoing activities.

The next meeting will take place in a hybrid mode in autumn 2024. We wish to thank all participants for the constructive discussions and excellent collaboration, and we are looking forward to meeting everyone again at our next meeting.
