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Bisphenol A update: EFSA calls meeting and invites contributions from Member States

The European Food Safety Authority will invite national experts from the EU Member States to a meeting by early April to discuss its ongoing scientific work with regard to bisphenol A (BPA).

At the meeting, EFSA will outline its draft opinion on BPA, which is currently being prepared by EFSA’s scientific panel on food contact materials (CEF Panel), prior to its expected adoption in May 2010. The meeting will allow Member States to contribute any relevant national work in support of the finalisation of EFSA's opinion.

Members of EFSA’s Advisory Forum have been asked to nominate national experts to take part in the meeting alongside members of the CEF Panel's working group on BPA.

EFSA published scientific opinions on BPA in January 2007 and July 2008. In October 2009, EFSA received a further request from the European Commission to assess the relevance of a new study on possible neurodevelopmental effects of BPA and, if necessary, to update the existing Tolerable Daily Intake ( TDI Det tolerable daglige indtag (TDI) er et skøn over den mængde af et stof i fødevarer eller drikkevand, som ikke er tilsat bevidst (f.eks. et forurenende stof) og kan indtages hele livet igennem uden at udgøre en nævneværdig sundhedsrisiko. ) accordingly.