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Update on bisphenol A

EFSA is aware of the draft U.S. NTP (National Toxicology Program) brief on bisphenol A and the Environment Canada draft screening assessment report and the Risk Management scope document. EFSA is also aware that Health Canada will be publishing in the near future a health risk assessment of bisphenol A from food packaging applications.

EFSA published its risk assessment on bisphenol A in January 2007 and set a Tolerable Daily Intake ( TDI Det tolerable daglige indtag (TDI) er et skøn over den mængde af et stof i fødevarer eller drikkevand, som ikke er tilsat bevidst (f.eks. et forurenende stof) og kan indtages hele livet igennem uden at udgøre en nævneværdig sundhedsrisiko. ) of 0.05 milligram/kg body weight for this substance.

EFSA is examining all relevant information related to the U.S. and Canadian reports as we do when new scientific information becomes available. Following this review, EFSA will assess whether further consideration of its advice on the safety levels for bisphenol A is required and will provide an update on the outcome of its work. EFSA also stands ready to provide any further advice to the European Commission on this issue.

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