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This is a closed consultation; no comments can be submitted. Please refer to for the list of public consultations

Public consultation on the active substance Hydrolysed proteins

How to submit comments

  • Comments on rapporteur Member State assessment reports should be sent by email to EFSA (pesticides.peerreview [at] (pesticides[dot]peerreview[at]efsa[dot]europa[dot]eu)) no later than the deadline given for the particular active substance. Please use the electronic template for submission of comments.
  • Comments will not be considered if they:
    • are submitted after the deadline set out in the call
    • are not related to the contents of the document
    • contain complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material
    • are related to policy or risk management aspects, which is out of the scope of EFSA's activity.
  • EFSA will assess all comments from interested parties, which are submitted in line with the criteria above. All submitted comments will be published.

Due to the current unavailability of the EFSA’s Register of Questions, the Updated Sanitised Supplementary Summary Dossier (USSSD) is published on this page