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EFSA Management Board reappoints Bernhard Url as Executive Director

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At its final meeting in 2018, EFSA’s Management Board reappointed Bernhard Url as EFSA’s Executive Director.

“On behalf of EFSA’s Management Board, it gives me great pleasure to reappoint Bernhard Url as EFSA’s Executive Director,” Jaana Husu-Kallio, Chair of the Board, said. “Bernhard has led by example over the last five years. He has defined and driven a vision for EFSA’s evolution, remaining as committed to excellence and collaboration now as when he was first appointed.

“I would like to express sincere thanks to Bernhard on behalf of the whole Management Board and look forward to continuing our transformation journey together.”

Dr Url said: “It’s a great honour to be reappointed EFSA Executive Director and to lead this important organisation. The work of EFSA in providing Europe with high-quality scientific advice to protect consumers from food-related risks is as essential as ever.

“I look forward to continuing the close collaboration with our staff and scientific experts, EU institutions and sister agencies, Member State and international partners, and stakeholders to uphold EFSA’s core values and to embrace new challenges.”

Dr Url, a qualified veterinarian by training, was unanimously nominated by the Board as candidate in October. He appeared for a hearing before members of the European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee on October 18. Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, subsequently sent a letter of recommendation to Ms Husu-Kallio and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission.

He will formally begin his second five-year term of office on 1 June 2019.

1 June 2014 – Dr. Bernhard Url begins first mandate as EFSA’s Executive Director.

Sept 2013 – Becomes Acting Executive Director following the departure of Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle.

June 2012 – Joins EFSA as Director of Risk Assessment and Scientific Assistance.

2002-2012 – Managing Director of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) and Director of the Federal Office of Food Safety (BAES).

2008-2012 – Member of EFSA’s Management Board.

1993-2002 – Head of Quality Lab of Agrarmarkt Austria, Vienna.

1989-1993 – Assistant professor at the Institute of Milk Hygiene and Milk Technology at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna.

1990 – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, with a focus on listeria and milk hygiene.

1987 – Graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna.


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