Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of MycoCell (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) for dairy cows
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The microbial additive MycoCell is a preparation of viable cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is intended to be applied daily in dairy cows as a top dressing, or incorporated into a total mixed ration to provide 1 x 1010 CFU/head/day. The active agent, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is considered by EFSA to have QPS status and, as such, can be presumed as safe for the target species, the consumers and the environment. The additional experimental data provided in support of safety for dairy cows and the genotoxicity data do not conflict with the conclusions reached on safety using the QPS approach. The additive has been unexpectedly shown to be a skin sensitiser. Given this result and in the absence of information on dusting potential, the product should also be treated as a respiratory sensitiser. In addition, it should be noted that the product is intended for top dressing at farm level. There is insufficient evidence that MycoCell at 1 x 1010 CFU/head/day improves production parameters in dairy cows.