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First Meeting of EFSA Stakeholder Forum

EFSA hosted the first meeting of its Stakeholder Forum on 30-31 May 2017 in Parma as part of its new approach to furthering public and stakeholder involvement in the process of risk assessment. Well-attended first meeting of the Forum kick-started a series of new initiatives to enable EFSA to interact with a larger range of stakeholders, and continue to develop how it engages with them on its work.


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First meeting of EFSA stakeholder forum

Programme and presentations

Day 1 – 30 May 2017

  1. Opening by the Chair of the Meeting, Bernhard Url, EFSA’s Executive Director
  2. Welcome by Jaana Husu-Kallio, Chair of EFSA’s Management Board
  3. Setting the scene – Open EFSA: Framing public engagement, Bernhard Url, EFSA’s Executive Director
  4. Science and society: Challenges and way forward, Dr Pia Johanna Schweizer– Project Leader Systemic Risks, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies - Potsdam
  5. Questions & Answers
  6. Framework for Interaction between Stakeholder Forum and EFSA – Discussion moderated by Barbara Gallani, Head of Communications and External Relations Department, EFSA
  7. Engagement between EFSA and its stakeholders – Sensing stakeholder expectations, Floriana Cimmarusti, Secretary General, SAFE - Safe Food Advocacy Europe, EFSA Registered Stakeholder Organisation
  8. Discussion on the draft proposal of Framework for Interaction with Stakeholder Forum
  9. Parallel Workshops – Stakeholder input to EFSA’s work
  10. Workshop 1: Quality data for Risk Assessment- What EFSA does with it and the role of Stakeholders
  11. Workshop 2: Usability of EFSA's outputs and Clear Communications - How EFSA presents and explains its science
  12. Workshop 3: Transparency and open data in Risk Assessment
  13. End of day 1 followed by a networking cocktail, EFSA premises

Day 2 – 31 May 2017

  1. Opening by the Chair, Bernhard Url, EFSA’s Executive Director
  2. Presentation and discussion on the outcomes of the workshops of Day 1, Moderated by the Chair
  3. Public engagement: Best practices and food for thought, François Houÿez, Treatment Information and Access Director – Health Policy Advisor, EURORDIS
  4. Questions & Answers
  5. Framework for Interaction between Stakeholder Bureau and EFSA – Moderated by James Ramsay, External Relations Head of Unit (a.i), EFSA
    1. Results of selection for members of the Stakeholder Bureau
    2. Discussion on draft proposal for Framework for interaction with the Stakeholder Bureau
  6. Closing remarks by the Chair and what comes next
  7. End of meeting

See also